Hosta 'Francee'
Plantain Lily 'Francee'
Mid Spring 2018
- 4
Early Spring 2018
- 6
Early Summer 2017
- 6
Late Spring 2017
- 1
Mid Spring 2017
- 8

Hosta 'Francee'
Mid Spring 2018
Early Spring 2018


I got this last year and..i actually think she's coming back! Not sure yet why she's not real happy in her spot, I'll have to keep an eye out this year

Make sure you do slug prevention asap. @lesliecole49 💕 I don't really know what else effects them.

I do Jenn, it wasn't slugs last year, I don't think it drains well where they're at, will watch this year to determine if they should be moved. I might just lift them and build the ground up under them

That would be a great idea! These are pretty forgiving when it comes to moving them. 😉 @lesliecole49

Good! 😊
Early Summer 2017

#hosta #bud

I have this one, I think I'll have to move it, seems she's not growing, not dying either tho. I'm thinking the ground stays too moist.

@lesliecole49 that's interesting! I would think hostas like moist ground, but I'm not sure. But I also don't see a lot of growth in the season, just from year to year... They seem to double every spring when they pop out of the ground.

This is their first year, we'll see then

I want one of these. I will find one. Lol. Very pretty. @jennlamaye

@alysha they're one of my favorite plants. ❤️
Late Spring 2017

This was a part of the #hosta that I had tried to separate, but ended up breaking... New growth!! #notdeadyet
Mid Spring 2017

#hosta #francee

I've got a couple of these. A couple, because there were two in the pot when I bought it :)

@lesliecole49 - I tried to separate the one I just bought... Key word, tried. Ha! Oh well!

@jennlamaye @lesliecole49 - you can sever a hosta compact root ball using a sharp knife or saw, without any ill effects! Where I am, each pip is priced at $8 and up, depending on the variety. With the number of hosta plants I have (40?) Each pip sold individually - I would be financially secure!

@KariSamuel I really should have done that! I'll remember to grab the hack saw for the next one... I've got two more little patches I want to separate. Thank you!

@KariSamuel - I'm also very enamored with your garden! So many beautiful hostas!!

@cyndi I have this plant and it just is not doing well for me if you want it plz its yours.

@cyndi this one is not mine but I have it.
Another #hosta baby that made it through winter. #hostaholic
Ooooooh!! That's a purdy one to!!💘😍
Yay! Francee is definitely a Purdy one!💕 @jennlamaye. @ShelleySnyder
@petitelake I think this might be one