Lilium longiflorum
Late Winter 2018
Early Winter 2018

We’re thinking this is #easterlily 💕 and if I recall they were different colors. Thank you @hannahchristine for helping me jog my memory!

@jennlamaye you welcome

Jenn did you get those few seeds I sent??

@columbiariver I know it! It’s bizarre. I heavily mulched so I’m hoping everything will hold out. Weird year.

@terrimclaughlin just got the mail! 😁 Thank you!!! 💕💕💕

@jennelamaye I thought you had asked me for those. They are all beautiful. I’m curious to see if they grow over there because im not sure how much rain you get. Im going to send off some orange canna lily bulbs and a few other live ones soon

@terrimclaughlin rain. We get lots of rain. Lol. I can’t wait to try!! 💕💕💕

That would be gorgeous!! I was concerned when they started coming up two months ago, but they know better than I. Lol
Looking very healthy!💘😍
Look at that growth!😎💜