Lupinus albus
White Lupin
Late Spring 2018
- 9
Mid Spring 2018
- 7
Early Spring 2018
- 3
Early Spring 2018
- 1
Early Spring 2018
- 1
Early Spring 2018
- 1
Late Winter 2018
- 2
Early Autumn 2017
- 5
Early Summer 2017
- 1
Early Summer 2017
- 14
Late Spring 2017
- 1
Late Spring 2017
- 3
Late Spring 2017
- 7
Mid Spring 2017
- 1
Late Summer 2017
- 2
Mid Spring 2017
- 1

Lupinus albus
Late Spring 2018
Mid Spring 2018

#white #lupin #leaves

I’m so happy to share those with you!!! Oh that’s right I have them because of you. Thxs I’m so excited.😊💕

They're beautiful! I didn't get any seeds to germinate this year for my lupin, did you? @terrimclaughlin

That funny cause I just posted mine in a pot that you sent me the seeds. I almost gave up but frank, after about 6 weeks of nothing put them very very close to grow light and they started coming up. So they take quite awhile to germinate. You might want to put that in your journal. I couldn’t believe it. I hope I can remember. I threw a whole tray back in the dirt bin😩😊💕

Oh geez. I'm not patient, so I've done the same. @terrimclaughlin

I think @jennlamaye sent me white lupin and mine germinated rather quickly. I soaked them for 24 hours and then placed them in trays under light and on a germination heating pad.

@Katalin last year they were a piece of cake to germinate... I soaked them and then put them in Ziploc with a damp towel over them... I think. This year I soaked and planted them in the dreaded peat pots. 😒 I'm glad everyone else is having success!
Early Spring 2018

#white #lupin #seedling 💕

@columbiariver Definitely one of my favorites! So amazing that something so tiny can produce such incredible flowers in only a couple months!

Awesome even as seedlings🌱🌱🌱 @jennlamaye
Early Spring 2018

#white #lupin #seedling 💕
Early Spring 2018

#white #lupin
Early Spring 2018

#whitelupin #seedling 💕 #germination after #scarification and #soaking
Late Winter 2018

#whitelupin love the leaves! ❤️

Yes, they are pretty cool!
Early Autumn 2017

#white #lupin #seedsaving #jennseeds2018

Perennial. The pea-like flowers of lupins grow in dense spires from their destinctive foliage. They will bloom 2 months from a spring sowing or early summer from fall sown plants. Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost, around mid to late February on the coast.

Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost, around mid to late February on the coast. If starting indoors, use peat or coir pots to limit root disturbance. Lupins work equally well direct sown in early spring (mid-March on the coast) when some risk of frost is still possible. Can be direct sown in autumn where winters are mild. #directsow March 15th

If starting indoors, stratify seeds by chipping or soaking in water for 24 hours prior to sowing. Sow shallowly a couple of millimeters (1/8″) deep, and maintain a coolish soil temperature of 12-18°C (55-65°F). Seeds should germinate in 14-60 days. Be patient. #sowindoors March 15th in peat pots after #scarify and #soak

Plants grown from seed will bloom their first year. 💕
Early Summer 2017

#white #Lupine #seeds #jennseedtrade
Early Summer 2017

#white #Lupine #seeds



@Acetaker just collected them! My seed collection is growing!

Great! Jenn,I would love to have some when u get enough to spare,plz😊

@Acetaker there are WAY more than enough to share. They germinate pretty easily, so I'm only going to hold on to a few.

Click on the hashtag #jennseedtrade to see the seeds I'm collecting for trade. ;-) @Acetaker @ShelleySnyder @KariSamuel @PunkyKy

I already did..hehe!😉😁 You are getting some nice ones built up😊

Thx Jenn,I hope that mine looks as good as yours😊

@Acetaker if you can get yours into the ground by fall, they should be beautiful next year! I couldn't believe my little guys made it through the snow!

Oh,I sure will😊 Fingers Crossed 😍

Ohhhhh - You are a #seedfairy - 😇💖🌱 - me too!!
Late Spring 2017

#white #lupin #seed
Late Spring 2017

#white #lupin just starting...

@camilio81 another of my favorites... see if you can get it started in ground right now 😉

Late Spring 2017

Holy cow, you silly #lupin !! I can't even imagine how many #seeds I'll be gathering this year... I'll start taking order for #trades right now.... Anybody? Anybody? :)

Did you plant these from seed?


@maldavis These are the parent plant of the ones I did from seeds... This was the first. ;-)

These seeds?!? Ohhhhh myyyyy ♡♡♡

@KariSamuel I KNOW! Crazy, huh??

@KariSamuel and these have held true to the parent plant, so I'm super excited to share!
Mid Spring 2017

#white #lupin #bud
Late Summer 2017


@cyndi I got this from seed in one year, but let me know if it'll grow from cuttings. (I think I sent you seeds. )
Mid Spring 2017

#white #lupin
White lupins just look so special to me 👌
I love them! And it's amazing how fast they grow! Did I send you any seeds? I'll make sure I save some for you this Fall! @jeatacake
Yes I think you did but ones from this would be fantastic. Thank you 😘
Definitely! @jeatacake
👍👍👍 😘 I will soon have lots of hellebore seeds from all of my plants if you're interested?
Oh yes oh yes oh yes! 😁❤️❤️❤️ @jeatacake When do you plant them?
Pretty much any time, but they need stratification as the self sown ones only appear the following spring. They should be ready in a few weeks when fully mature 👍
Thank you so much, Jeff! @jeatacake