Lycoris radiata
- Early Winter 2018
- 13
- Late Autumn 2017
- 15
#redspiderlily peaking through. #giftfromcyndi - in middle pot on steps in front. Planted with #peonies and other #mystery #bulb
Strut your stuff, little lily! @jennlamaye
@cyndi oh fun!!! 💕 thank you!!
@cyndi I mulched on top because I was worried about the frost. Do you think that’s okay? So many of my bulbs are acting like it’s spring.
- Early Autumn 2017
- 12
#red #spiderlily #giftfromcyndi #cataloguing #seedexchange #jennseeds2018
@cyndi do I plant this now?
Perfect! I was scared I messed it up because I saw the sprout! @cyndi
My daylily bulbs are sprouting in the bucket.i have them in....i guess I need to get them in the ground huh @cyndi and the ones I did plant in the early summer are coming up now. Is that right or are the confused? Lol
Ok cool! Thanks @cyndi This weather has been weird hasn't it?.😲🤔😨 very odd indeed...
#red #spiderlily #giftfromcyndi
@cyndi okay, good! ❤️