Mirabilis jalapa
Late Spring 2018
Mid Spring 2018

#fouroclock #marvelofperu #seedling 💕 #seeds gifted by @PunkyKy

Oh wow girl! Look at them! Yay! Pretty little guys! 🌱💗🌱💗

They are! The underside of the leaves are amazing! @PunkyKy

Yes! Very!
Late Summer 2017

Flower power! #cataloguing #seedexchange #giftfromcyndi


#sowindoors March 29th

Sow one four o'clock seed in each 3" starter pot at a depth of 1/4 inch, which is roughly four times the diameter of the seed. Make sure the seed is completely covered, and then gently firm the soil to anchor it.


Make sure the planting site provides at least 2 square feet of space for each four o'clock plant you're growing.

Plant in flower garden, along walkways and in containers in decks and patios to enjoy the fragrance. Four-o-clocks add color to a part shade garden and can get quite bushy by fall. They are a good choice to add color to a partly shaded hosta bed and a low growing shrub border
#fouroclock #marvelofperu 😁 #seeds gifted by @PunkyKy 💕 I'm so excited!!