Pandorea jasminoides
Bower Vine
Late Spring 2018
- 1
Early Spring 2018
- 6
Early Spring 2018
- 1
Mid Winter 2018
- 16
Late Autumn 2017
- 3

Pandorea jasminoides
Late Spring 2018
Early Spring 2018

#bowervine #seedling 💕

I've got two seedlings going. I tried sowing all of mine, too. I'm very hopeful for these... @cyndi

Me too! The seeds alone were gorgeous, and loving the leaves. We'll see what happens when she moves outdoors. Looks like next Sunday is when I can start acclimating plants. So excited!! Do you think I should just wheel out the whole lighting system? Or just take the trays out and let them adapt to natural light alone? @cyndi @moore.794 @richard.spicer.7906 @jeatacake @pelly @KariSamuel

I think any mid day sun may scorch them, so I would be inclined to shade them a little & have them sheltered from any wind as the foliage is not adapted to outdoor conditions or big swings in temperature

depends on which is easiest. i use bed sheets to protect. would start with morning.

I've never acclimated my plants before, so trying to think of the best logistics. @cyndi
Early Spring 2018

#bowervine #seedling 💕 #seeds gifted by @niching
Mid Winter 2018

These are the most beautiful seeds I’ve ever seen @niching ❤️ #bower #vine #seeds #cataloguing #seedexchange #seedid #seedidreference #identification #gold #hearts

Looks like hearts with gold wings💘😍

Perfect for Valentine's day.

Don’t usually think of seeds as beautiful, but these certainly are!

@valjones-hughes it’s the first for me. 😉

😍😊 I just think of hearts 💕♥️ every time I look at them.

@niching do you think these need to be stratified?

Also known as bower plant, pink bower vine (Pandorea jasminoides "Rosea") is a fast-growing vine that reaches heights of 20 to 30 feet at maturity. The vine adds color to the landscape all summer, displaying soft pink, bell-shaped blooms with dark pink throats. Thanks to the lush, evergreen foliage, the vine is attractive even when it isn't blooming. Bower vine is suitable for planting in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 to 11.

Trim spindly, weak and dead stems and cut off faded blooms along with the stem, leaving only three buds on each stem. Do this every year after flowering. You can also thin the vine or maintain a desired size or shape. Bower vine tolerates hard pruning, but don't cut the plant down to the ground. Replacing a badly neglected or unhealthy plant is a better alternative.

The Pandorea bower vine (Pandorea jasminoides) grows rapidly, covering walls and trellises with glossy evergreen leaves and producing year-round flowers. The flowers come in pink, white and rose colors with a darker pink center. Though this vine blooms all year, look for a profusion of blossoms in midsummer when the plant is at its peak. Grow bower vine from seeds collected from your own plant or purchased from a nursery; it’s easy and cheaper than buying established plants.

Native to Australia, the bower vine grows year-round in U.S Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 and 10. In the cooler zone 8, the vine dies back to the ground in winter and regrows from the roots the following spring. This fast-growing vine covers a 10- to 15-foot trellis in just one or two growing seasons, so even in the cooler areas, you can enjoy growing this Australian native.

Surface-sow bower vine seeds in spring directly into the garden. Pick a sunny spot with deep, rich soil. Place the seeds on the soil and cover with 1/8 inch of dirt. In germination beds, plant the seeds 6 inches apart. Later, when the seedlings develop, you’ll want to transplant the seedlings to a spacing of at least 36 inches.
Late Autumn 2017

#bower #vine 💕 #cataloguing #seedexchange #giftfromniching #jennseeds2018


@cyndi Good deal!💘😍