Rain Lily
Late Winter 2018
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Early Winter 2018
- 7
Early Winter 2017
- 2
Early Autumn 2017
- 11

Late Winter 2018
Early Winter 2018

#rainlily babies. Do I need to do anything to them? @terrimclaughlin

I don’t believe so @Hannahcristine showed them to me after it rains they come up bloom for about two days then seed and drop seed then die that’s why you’ll get a whole area eventually of them hope Hannahcristine or someone knows more I’d plant them where every now and then you get that extra pop of color u could read up on advice where to plant??? Have a great day🤗🤗😘😘

Sweet! Thank you! @terrimclaughlin

Looked them up, think I'll wishlist them. :)

@lesliecole49 I thought they were confused crocuses. Very pretty plant!

Maybe the are @jennelamaye Hannahcristine called them a rain lily but that might not be the proper genus/species just like I call the “Swamp Hybiscus” when it’s really a”Cannabinus hybiscus. And I spelled it wrong on the ones I sent you today lol so don’t forget I put Cannabis I think lol

@terrimclaughlin they are rainlily. I had never heard of them before. But I saw them popping up all over in the Fall. Very pretty flower resembles a crocus. I thought the weird weather we were having made the crocuses think it was spring. Turns out, I was looking at an entirely different plant: rain lilies. 😉
Early Winter 2017

#rainlily #seedlings look so delicate! #giftfromterrimclaughlin #grownfromseed

#overwinter #jennbringindoors #liftinfall #bulb
Early Autumn 2017

#rain #lilies #giftfromterrimclaughlin #cataloguing #seedexchange #jennseeds2018

They can be very attractive grown in drifts or clumps among other short annual and perennial plants in the flower beds, or sprinkled out into the "root flare" areas around the trunks of deciduous trees, where their bright, twinkling flowers add interesting touches of white, yellow, or pink to the edge of the lawn area.

Collecting Seeds - The seed pods that form after flowering are capable of maturing within a week or ten days. The tri-part pods suddenly burst, allowing several dozen flat, stacked, winged black seeds to escape from each pod. It's best to pick the pods while they are still closed but have begun to turn yellowish in color. They'll continue their final maturity after picking, and won't be lost onto the ground.

Seeds of bulbs in the Amaryllis family do not keep well over time, so plan to sow your bounty as soon as possible after the pods have burst open. Use shallow terra cotta or plastic pots,

Fill the flat or pot almost to the top with a mixture of good potting media and coarse sand, and water thoroughly. Press down the surface firmly. Sprinkle out the flat black seeds so that each has a little room to grow. Drizzle more of a mixture of potting soil and sand over the top to cover the seeds. Press down very gently.

Pots may be inserted into a thin plastic bag such as those from the produce department of the grocery store. These are said to 'breathe'. The label and a small stick or two will be enough to keep the plastic from falling down onto the surface of the container.

Set the containers away in an area with bright indirect light - never in full sun. they may even be placed under shrubbery in the garden for the period of time while they are germinating.

Expect results between two and four weeks of planting. If the seal is tight, you may not have to re-water at all during this time, but if you see that the beads of moisture that have collected on the inside of the bag have disappeared, you could take the container out of the bag and gently immerse it into water almost up to the rim for a few minutes.

After the slender green leaves have appeared, you may take off the wrappings and water occasionally from underneath with tepid rain water, adding a small amount of weak fertilizer to the water weekly.

I used the same #germinaterainlily method. But I planted mine and placed them in a ziplock bag with a pencil placed in the middle,so condensation wouldn't touch foliage, zipped the bag almost closed and blew air into it and sealed it. I did this 2 times a day. It seems the warm air helps make he seedlings #geminate quicker. I has signs of them in 3 or 4 days. After I took bag off I took and placed more seed in areas that didn't have growth. 😯😊😁😀It seems to be working well.😳

#rainlily looking kinda pathetic. I think I should pot up...