Hibiscus Mutabilis
Confederate Rose
Mid Autumn 2016
- 3
Late Summer 2016
- 1
Late Summer 2016
- 1
Mid Autumn 2016
- 14
Late Summer 2016
- 4

Hibiscus Mutabilis
Mid Autumn 2016
Late Summer 2016

The flower buds are swelling!!
Late Summer 2016

These leaves are giant! My hand is 9" from pinky tip to thumb tip when it's fully spread just to give you perspective.
Mid Autumn 2016

I took this picture Oct 24, 2015. Can't wait until this year's blooms. @Acetaker

I bet it is Gourgous when in full bloom!😮😊

@Acetaker it should start soon and I will definitely be posting about it. From what I can tell it is only a passalong plant.

May I ask what is,A Passalong plant?

@Acetaker like a plant you can only get from someone else to pass along to you but you can't find at the store

Ok...just wanted to make sure..hehe! 😂 Well,ok I'll admit...BLONDE MOMENT..LOL!! When it finishes blooming,does it get seed pods? Or,does it she'd and give seedling from the ground? (NOT right word g I'm sure but I hope u know what I mean😊)

In the cotton on variety? I guess I'm really out there today...lol! 😂 But gotta ask?

@Acetaker no it make a fluffy seed head with bolls like cotton on the ends of the canes. I have never done a germ test of the seeds I collected last year. It is also supposedly good at rooting the new growth in the spring. I have never tried. I will be trying it next year.

Ok..I was thinking of such,but glad I asked😊 I would love to try as well if you wouldn't mind? When did yours start blooming the first time?

@Acetaker I hit send on accident. I was trying to say that they are in the cotton family. Both cotton and hibiscus are in the malvaceae family so it makes sense to me that they would have similar seed heads since I have both growing on the farm. They look similar. I'll see if I can post a picture later.


@Acetaker I honestly don't know. The plant is older than I am!
Late Summer 2016

Can't wait for this lady to start blooming.

@jessicaspaid I would love to see this close up,plz.😊 . I don't think I've seen a Conf. Rose

@Acetaker OK I will get you one. It seems like everyone over here in Georgia has them. They die back completely and I usually chop off all the dead canes right before they start back up growing again.

@anniel this one is older than I am. It usually has a moderate density. I can't remember ever fertilizing it. We water it if the leaves get really droopy.
It's finally blooming!! It blooms white in the early morning and by sunset it's pink. By the next morning it is deep pink.
@rwoot it's about ten feet tall.
An interesting and beautiful plant.