Streptocarpus sect. Saintpaulia syn. Saintpaulia
African Violet
Early Winter 2016
- 2
Late Autumn 2016
- 6

Streptocarpus sect. Saintpaulia syn. Saintpaulia
Early Winter 2016
Late Autumn 2016

It has taken four months but my African Violet has finally recovered after taking a disastrous fall during my move in July.

Half of the leaves snapped off and the plant had to be propped up so it wouldn't get wet in the soil until new leaves could balance it out

Are those yellow? Or is it the lighting? I just love yellow flowers. Very pretty

@winston30piggy you know to be honest I don't remember what color this one is. I had many before I moved and this is the only one that survived the ordeal. In person it looks like maybe a buttercream color. I'll have to get back with you once they pop open! I love yellow flowers too!

@winston30piggy it bloomed white petals with a purple pistil

How cool! That would be cool to see a pic. My has another plant stemming from the mother plant. It seems to be doing great.
This is the blooms of my plant.