I took a photo of this in someone's garden yesterday so that I could get it's name. The colour knocked me for six. It's definitely one for next year 💜💜💜
That's very kind of you Joan, thank you. I'm looking for the seeds right now but the only ones I can find are £12 for twenty seeds! I might as well just buy a plant 😳😂
Lupin masterpiece bought at Harrogate this year
I took a photo of this in someone's garden yesterday so that I could get it's name. The colour knocked me for six. It's definitely one for next year 💜💜💜
@pelly I don't know if it comes true from seed but if it sets any I will save you some
That's very kind of you Joan, thank you. I'm looking for the seeds right now but the only ones I can find are £12 for twenty seeds! I might as well just buy a plant 😳😂