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Finally getting settling into what was my parents house. Slowly making the garden our own, work in progress 🌿🌿
#quakinggrass ao delicate 🌾
So pretty but does this self seed quickly?
@Cazx it does self seed if you don't cut it back before it goes to seed but its also easy to dig out if it does 😄 I love it in mine use it a lot in my cut flower vases 😍
@Cazx too pretty not to keep , ive plenty of space so it doesn’t worry me 😊
It’s gorgeous 🌾 I need to have one @Keely I shall take your advice and cut it down before it goes to seed.
Beautiful picture 🐝 great idea to use with cut flowers 👍
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#quakinggrass ao delicate 🌾
So pretty but does this self seed quickly?
@Cazx it does self seed if you don't cut it back before it goes to seed but its also easy to dig out if it does 😄 I love it in mine use it a lot in my cut flower vases 😍
@Cazx too pretty not to keep , ive plenty of space so it doesn’t worry me 😊
It’s gorgeous 🌾 I need to have one @Keely I shall take your advice and cut it down before it goes to seed.
Beautiful picture 🐝 great idea to use with cut flowers 👍