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Finally getting settling into what was my parents house. Slowly making the garden our own, work in progress 🌿🌿
#ligularia loving its second year in a semi shady spot adter a difficult first year in a sunmy border . Don’t be afraid to move your plants 😊
#ligularia #dragonsbreath 🙂
#ligularia such pretty delicate flowers making up each spike 😊😊
Brilliant photo 😄😄
@pods than you so much 😊
Top photo Karen 👋
@juliesgarden aw thanks 😊😊
Great photo, very interesting flower, wow 🤗
@purplebird yes there are lots tgat make up the spike of flowers 🌸
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#ligularia loving its second year in a semi shady spot adter a difficult first year in a sunmy border . Don’t be afraid to move your plants 😊