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Finally getting settling into what was my parents house. Slowly making the garden our own, work in progress 🌿🌿
#scaveola in full bloom , taken just before the rain came again 🌸
Scaevola Bombay pink
Sorry thought you wanted an id 😁
@jaynehynesburton thank you I posted the other day asking for id as I’d never seen one before (how weird) but didn’t know it was bombay pink so thank you . Loved how it flowered all summer and then ended with this big blooming at the end 🌸🌸
I love them but usually have the purple I love that, have a look
@jaynehynesburton ooh I will , whats the purple called ?
Very pretty 😊
Wow 😮
@jaynehynesburton ooh I’ll have to try and get one for next year 💜
I like the purple better Karen 💜 @johnson8301
Help me identify this plant #plant-id #quirky really odd half flowers 🌸🌸🌸#
Its a #scaveola 💕💕
@keely aw thanks someone gave it to me , no idea what is was 😊
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#scaveola in full bloom , taken just before the rain came again 🌸
Scaevola Bombay pink
Sorry thought you wanted an id 😁
@jaynehynesburton thank you I posted the other day asking for id as I’d never seen one before (how weird) but didn’t know it was bombay pink so thank you . Loved how it flowered all summer and then ended with this big blooming at the end 🌸🌸
I love them but usually have the purple I love that, have a look
@jaynehynesburton ooh I will , whats the purple called ?
Very pretty 😊
Wow 😮
@jaynehynesburton ooh I’ll have to try and get one for next year 💜
I like the purple better Karen 💜 @johnson8301