Aloe 'Cosmo' (Green Pearl)
Late Summer 2018
Early Spring 2018

Help me identify this plant. Came in without any soil so I got it for half off. Any idea what this is? #plant-id #plantid #succulent-id

@KelsiBriana @Yollymac @Muzz67 Is this a haworthia or Gasteria? I can do some looking once I’ve narrowed it down a bit but I’m not sure what category this fits in... aloe?

@KelsiBriana Yes i thought it looked like that one as well, but not quite.

@KelsiBriana It has teeth like Aloe Aristata. Maybe it got beat up in shipping because the tips look totally different...

I dont know for sure but im assuming this is a gasteraloe atm. Not sure which specific one yet

Maybe an aloe "minibelle" or hybrid of one.

I too am not the one to ID an aloe. @Soph1e or @Muzz67 ?

I just discovered a species i havent heard of til now xD "astroloba" , they all grow in towers. Maybe it's one of those or a hybrid :)

I think gasteroaloe cosmo.

@Yollymac It’s the closest thing I’ve found. It’s just closed up more than the photos I see. Could just be adjusting to the new environment? I’m still not 100% sure...

Yes mine did the same. It hates me.
Needs a drink but otherwise looking quite happy.