Gaillardia x grandiflora 'Dazzler' syn. Gaillardia 'Dazzler'
Blanket Flower 'Dazzler'
Early Spring 2016
- 10

Gaillardia x grandiflora 'Dazzler' syn. Gaillardia 'Dazzler'
Early Spring 2016
My first time growing these.
Hello Joshua 👋 Thank you for posting what we hope will be the first of many photos. 👏
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They look great @joshuaharrell 👍🏼
Thanks @richard.spicer.7906 I have to get more pics up here but trying to match up to the right name is a little daunting. #gardentagsnewbie
Yeah, it takes a little bit of getting used to but there are plenty of helpful folk on here to lend a hand. The database has quite a few plant names in now as people add, so hopefully the common plants are already there. But there are loads more out there to be entered. Have you had a go at creating a new database entry yet? @joshuaharrell
Not yet @richard.spicer.7906 I will though. Often times I lose the garden center tag and my memory is crap so having everything in my profile would be helpful. Thanks for all the likes. It encourages me to add more. Are you on Instagram? I'm the same username there. Happy Sunday!
Like these a lot 👍 #yellow
I am, only just started using instagram a few months ago and haven't quite got into it yet but getting there. Just found you, so now following. I'm 'spikki2000' 👍🏼 @joshuaharrell