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Hello all, Beginner gardener in the Vancouver area. I'm finally having a little success this year which is encouraging but I'm always happy to take go
Just opened this morning! It has to be my favorite plant in my garden after my Karma Chocolate dahlias never took off
Love the darker lilies. Very nice 🙌🏽
Me too @MelanieAt . I find there is s more subtle elegance with the darker flowers
I just posted a picture of my Olina Tango lily. I'll tag you to show you.
Beautiful 😍👍 I've planted new lilies this year, especially looking forward to Purple Prince which should be a dark purple
I can't wait to see them @MelanieAt @riakat
@riakat I have purple prince. Be ready for some heady fragrance in the evening. Just amazing.
@MelanieAt oooooooo can't wait, more patience practicing! 😃
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Just opened this morning! It has to be my favorite plant in my garden after my Karma Chocolate dahlias never took off
Love the darker lilies. Very nice 🙌🏽
Me too @MelanieAt . I find there is s more subtle elegance with the darker flowers
I just posted a picture of my Olina Tango lily. I'll tag you to show you.
Beautiful 😍👍 I've planted new lilies this year, especially looking forward to Purple Prince which should be a dark purple
I can't wait to see them @MelanieAt @riakat
@riakat I have purple prince. Be ready for some heady fragrance in the evening. Just amazing.
@MelanieAt oooooooo can't wait, more patience practicing! 😃