Marguerite Daisy
Late Autumn 2020
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Late Autumn 2020
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Mid Autumn 2020
- 17
Mid Autumn 2020
- 3
Late Summer 2020
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Mid Summer 2020
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Late Autumn 2020
Late Autumn 2020

Morning folks, these pink Paris daisies are bowing out after the frost. Time cut n cover me thinks, have a wonderful Wednesday all

Time for a rest so she can look her best next year 💕💕💕

Aww bless ‘em 💕

Thanks and afternoon Jeremy - hope you’re enjoying your day to
Mid Autumn 2020

The alternative colour to the yellow doing really well in its first year (considering these were bought as a rescue plant in a 1ltr pot! Ill have to look up if and when they get cut back

Morning Jeremy, they are not very hardy sadly

I lost two last winter so I'll cut my remaining one back, lift and overwinter in the greenhouse, they're only slightly frost hardy 👍

Thank you Joan, Jane I will try and do the same when they're more gone over and before the frosts arrive @joanboston @pelly

We have had two frosts here already Jeremy, things are really going over now. Spent two hours yesterday cutting down stuff. Pouring down today so won’t get anything done today sadly @pelly

Oh, we've had one very slight one but it did for the bedding dahlias so they'll be compost bin this morning but I'm going to risk leaving the tubers in and putting a mulch over them @joanboston

We are decorating at the moment and I'm finding it hard to get motivated to get in the garden. I've still got all my tulips to go in 🙄 @joanboston

I managed to get fifty allium bulbs in yesterday plus some others Jane! @pelly

Never too late Jane, we're having our bathroom & ensuite refurbished so I'm glad to be out of the way @pelly

Oh well done. I've lost track of how many tulips there are to go in and I'm just waiting for some alliums to be delivered, a bit late but they had such a good offer on them 😍 @joanboston

Oh, I bet 😂

Jeremy, I've overwintered my bedding dahlia successfully by pulling the tubers as you would a border dahlia.
Mid Autumn 2020
Late Summer 2020
Mid Summer 2020

I've managed to widen a bed so now these have a home 😀

They look lovely together 💛💛♥️♥️
Whilst the red have bowed out the yellows are still flowering proudly
Mine is the same but it's tucked up in the greenhouse. Have a look in my plant list, I think this may be Aramis Daisy 'Aramis Yellow' 🤔💛
Lovely 🌼🌼
You may well be right Jane but I've id'd it from its label but I'll check @pelly if you've taken it in I wonder if I should lift mine and pot it up and put it in the greenhouse 🤔
It just looks so similar 🤔 I lost two last winter that’s why I’ve lifted mine. The Aramis isn’t fully frost hardy. Yours might be ok but personally I’d lift it, it’s too pretty to lose 🌼
I re-checked the label and it definitely says Margarite 'Primrose' Jane it's also doing a lot better than my red one but I'll keep an eye on it @pelly