Carex buchananii
Red Rooster Grass
Early Summer 2021
- 6
Early Autumn 2020
- 13
Mid Spring 2020
- 1
Mid Winter 2019
- 5
Early Spring 2018
- 1
Late Autumn 2017
- 1

Carex buchananii
Early Summer 2021
Early Autumn 2020

Chatting to the lad who looks after the garden section in my local B&Q and looked at this reduction when he said, go on a couple of quid and its yours 😳 nuff said, now to find a place for it 😆

It looks like how I feel today !!

Great bargain but be warned, it self seeds everywhere 🌱🌱🌱

Ah, didn't know that Jane, still it'll have a good home, somewhere 😏 @pelly

Ah photo has disappeared 🤔😟

I can see photo. Love a bargain

Just me then Joan? Curious @joanboston

Great bargain 👍

I could see it when I replied but it's disappeared now 🤔🤔🤔

Disappeared for me too now🤔

Invisible grass 🤔

@pelly @joanboston funnily enough it's disappeared on my phone but appears on my tablet 🤔
Mid Spring 2020

#foliagefriday this has come on so fast!
Mid Winter 2019
Early Spring 2018

#cataloguing #Bed2JPea the grass#is now esconsed in its new home
Late Autumn 2017

The grass is now fit for presentation outside
Morning folks and happy #foliagefriday everyone. I'm really tempted to paint a couple of 👀 on this pot 😂
Morning Jeremy, that looks like my hair this morning 😂😂😂
Ah Jane you'll still be a lady to me... 🥰
Yes 👀👀👀
I knew you'd say that Ange 🤣🤣 @anges
😆 I'm so predictable! 👀👀