Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 'George Davison'
Montbretia 'George Davison'
Mid Summer 2018
- 6
Mid Summer 2017
- 1

Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 'George Davison'
Mid Summer 2018
Mid Summer 2017

Not sure if this is 1 or 2 plants in #Bed4JPea
This is not looking very healthy anyone have an idea what's causing the brown leaves and what to do?
Have you used any liquid feeds?
I have Leno, but a general one and with no detrimental effects to any other plant @leno And John I've only just moved it to this position but it came from a rather shaded place where the soil was rather heavy having a fair bit of clay in it so it's lighter soil there and gets a fair bit more sun. Would I therefore dig up the corms and check there are none that are rotten @ukjohnny
@ukjohnny I've dug up the corm and found it was infact 6 or more joined together! They are now split, brown leaves cut off, replanted and well watered in. Time will tell 🤔
Some of mine are looking like that too. I’ve put it down to the hot weather and the fact that they’re in an area that didn’t get watered during the dry spell. I’ll cut the brown leaves off and see what happens @jpea @ukjohnny
It's died off earlier this year with the heat. Do same as your others dig up seperate n replant for next year more plants for free, goodness will have gone back into corn seen as they are brown now 👍