Dahlia 'Mignon White' (Mignon Series)
Dahlia 'Mignon White' (Bedding)
Early Summer 2019
- 3
Mid Spring 2019
- 1
Late Summer 2018
- 5
Mid Summer 2018
- 6
Mid Summer 2018
- 2
Mid Spring 2018
- 4
Mid Spring 2018
- 8
Early Spring 2018
- 6

Dahlia 'Mignon White' (Mignon Series)
Early Summer 2019
Mid Spring 2019

My 1st dahlia is making an appearance 😊
Late Summer 2018

Morning folks hope you have a fab Friday, it's cold enough here now to start the final days of some annuals, eek!

Morning tis a bit nippy outside today let's hope it warms up later 👍

Morning Jeremy. Chilly here too even though the sun is out. Have a great day 👋☺

Fingers crossed Keeley

You too Pauline
Mid Summer 2018

Morning folks, it's a very wet start here in Leeds but I'm not complaining (well a little) have a super Sunday all.

Good morning. Very wet here too but I’m not complaining...yet. 😉😂

Wet here too and I’m delighted!!! Happy Sunday @jpea 😀

Morning again no complaints but that wind!!! 💨💨💨⛈☔⛈☔

It's the baked beans @Keely You'll just have to be more careful 😃😃😅

Mid Summer 2018
Mid Spring 2018

Do I start to feed theses now they're showing some growth?

I don't start feeding mine for 6-8 weeks after planting Jeremy ....the fresh compost has enough nutrients in it for that length of time 😊👍🌱

Oh well remembered Pauline, I'd forgotten that 👍👏👏👏

Yes, they don't need mollycoddling yet Jeremy 👍👍
Mid Spring 2018

Yay! All 3 dahlias are showing themselves 😁

Exciting to see 💚💚

Wohooo 👍🏻👍🏻

There you go woop woop 👌👍😄

Yay, whats the difference between a bedding and a border dahlia?

umm really not sure Leslie others here would be far better placed to answer than me 🙂

@lesliecole49 the bedding dahlias tend to be smaller varieties and grown from seed until they produce tubers for the following year, border dahlias are grown from tubers and tend to be taller for the backs of borders, at least I think that's the answer 😄

Sounds good, works for me Keely, thanks @keely
Early Spring 2018

My first time with dahlias, I watered them when I planted them about 2 weeks ago, but how often after that?

I would water them a little everyday till it sprouts 😊

Thank you Melanie, I'll give them a light watering each day, they're just recently potted 🤔😊

👍 I utubed and watched how to pot mine up today as only had dwarf ones before as plants.

I only water once pot is light again generally once a week depending on heat of sun. Don't forget I've got some tubers for you too. I've still not done my small ones yet but will definitely have spares for you. Potted up the foxgloves in a tray for you too and your hosta is sprouting and ready for a new pot 😄

Sounds good Keely re the dahlias, it's 75deg in my greenhouse now. I've more pots and spots#in the garden for yours (greatly appreciated). Mine say 80-100cm high so will need staking or planting out. I've a good lot of Dianthus sprouting and marigolds too if you'd like some, way off ready at the moment oh and some teasel coming on, best for a pot as it can swamp. 😁🤗
Morning folks, hope its a good day for everyone. My first Dahlia to flower
Dahlia mignon white Jeremy 👍 bees love them
Oh right Keely thank you, I've corrected its label now