Early Winter 2018
- 5
Late Summer 2018
- 5
Mid Summer 2018
- 2
Early Spring 2018
- 1
Early Spring 2018
- 5
Late Autumn 2017
- 9
Early Autumn 2017
- 6
Late Summer 2017
- 9
Late Summer 2017
- 4
Mid Summer 2017
- 2

Early Winter 2018
Late Summer 2018

I hope it's not too early to take cuttings 🤔

No mine have taken did them 3 wks ago 😄👍

I know I had 2, just got to find the 2nd 🤣🤣

Hope you don’t mind me saying , but your cutting will do much better if they are right at the edge of the pot, actually touching the side of the pot😀

Oh thank you Joan, I'll move them this morning as they've just been done
Mid Summer 2018
Early Spring 2018

#cataloguing #bed3jpea overwintered and now outside
Early Spring 2018

Is it too early to plant these Penstemon out?

Put them out in the daytime for a few days to harden them off Jeremy. Mine have been in the garden all winter. 👍👍

Mine were in the cold frame for 3 weeks or so so hopefully hard enough now 🙏 @pelly

If we have no more frost you might be ok just needs soil outside to warm up it was frozen this morning so becareful I'd look at weather forecast for next week or so first rumours of more snow but not that I've seen!! 😕

I've just been told not this weekend but we could get snow the following weekend Keely 😳😳😳
Late Autumn 2017

This is a penstimon cutting that has really taken off. Question - do you think I should pinch out the top to make it bushier and plant it out now?

#penstemon I’d tip prune it.

Thanks Katie, wonder if I should keep it in all winter and then come spring plant it out then @brightcolours

Some penstemon are a little tender, so maybe chop it by half and keep it inside till spring?

Sounds like a good plan!

@joanboston oh Joan you can be so brave, half it is then, might even plant the other half 😄

Good idea!

Still to do @brightcolours @joanboston but ran out of steam bulb planting

Keep it in greenhouse read an article on these this morning on bus and says keep the stems and cut back in Spring as they are not very hardy the stems protect the base so when they flower next year remember same 😆
Early Autumn 2017

Penstemon cuttings going very well ones even divided, with flower buds on, I think it's best to remove them?

I think so @jpea 😊😊😊

Yes, I think so too 😊

@Naomi126 it's a shame your not near, I'd be happy to share 😊


😊<--me blushing
Late Summer 2017

Even with the rain battering the garden this Penstemon is looking good, not bad for a rescue plant! I've even taken 3 cuttings 😊😊

Well done Jeremy, it's looking good. 😍😍😍

Ohhhh just threw that big red n white one away last week of mine it was just in bud too but didn't fit in colour theme anywhere and mum already has it, I should have given you it darn it! 😯

Thank you Jane, doing my best. I presume come the first sign of frost it's retired to the greenhouse? 😊

@Keely oh don't worry about it you were more than generous and hopefully I'll have plenty of cuttings 😄

Oh it's quite hardy. You may want to put in the ground

Ah that would be great as it could be used in the pink / purple bed 😄 thanks Joan

I have this and should be fine in the ground 😊

Thanks @Di007 😀
Late Summer 2017

The rescued Penstemon is beginning to say 'thank you' 😊

This pkant is wonderful value ...mine is in its 2nd year and has flowered from spring and still going strong well done @jpea

Lovely, they are dead easy to take cuttings from if you want more for free😊

@angiecrazycatlady I've taken 2 so far Angie, not done this before and stuck them in a pot of gritty compost in the greenhouse just waiting to see if they show new growth before potting them separately, fingers crossed 🙏
Morning folks, this penstemon seems a bit out of sync
What a bonus though 💗💗
Morning 👋☺ Lovely flower though 💖
Morning Ange, it is, like a well behaved foxglove and 😊
It was in mine Elise, but the wind has taken that away today, very strong here