Rosa 'Dicobey' syn. Rosa 'Tequila Sunrise', Rosa 'Beaulieu'
Rose 'Tequila Sunrise' (Hybrid Tea)
Mid Autumn 2022
- 7
Mid Autumn 2022
- 6
Late Summer 2022
- 7
Mid Summer 2022
- 8
Early Summer 2022
- 7
Late Spring 2022
- 1
Mid Spring 2022
- 6
Early Winter 2021
- 10
Late Autumn 2021
- 4
Late Autumn 2021
- 5
Mid Summer 2021
- 6
Early Summer 2021
- 4
Late Spring 2021
- 5
Mid Spring 2021
- 5
Mid Autumn 2020
- 10
Early Autumn 2020
- 2
Early Autumn 2020
- 5
Mid Summer 2020
- 7
Late Spring 2020
- 9
Late Spring 2020
- 7
Late Spring 2019
- 5
Early Autumn 2019
- 8
Early Autumn 2018
- 7
Late Autumn 2018
- 2
Late Summer 2018
- 11
Early Summer 2018
- 7

Rosa 'Dicobey' syn. Rosa 'Tequila Sunrise', Rosa 'Beaulieu'
Mid Autumn 2022
Mid Autumn 2022

Morning folks, I know it's another rose photo but this is the 3rd flush, and besides it is my favourite 😁

Morning Jeremy.. fine by me 🧡💛

Morning Jeremy. I can’t think of a better reason 💛🧡💛

Morning Jeremy. Beautiful ....looks very happy/healthy 👋😯🧡

Thanks Julie, Jane, Pauline, works for me @juliesgarden @pelly @flof1952

Morning JP….never apologise for roses 😍
Late Summer 2022

Morning folks, this will be the 3rd flowering of my favourite rose this year 😀

Morning Jeremy.. fabulous , I must get this one again 🧡💛

It's obviously a very happy rose 💛💛💛

Morning Jeremy. Oh gosh what a trooper 👋😯🌹

Morning Pauline, this has beeb its best year yet @flof1952

Morning Julie, no scent but such a glorious colour @juliesgarden

Hi Jeremy. We've not heard from you for a couple of weeks, I hope you are ok? 🤔🥰
Mid Summer 2022

Morning all, this is the second flush of my favourite rose. It's 🌧 and rather 💨 here at the moment, think the shed will get some attention today 😏

Morning Jeremy.. love that rose 🧡💛… I can’t even go in the shed as it’s too hot still in mine

Here it's absolutely pouring down and 19⁰ so so muggy and unpleasant @juliesgarden

Good morning JP it’s a beauty. Rainy day here ☔️☔️

Gorgeous, mines on its second flush and looking better than the first 😍👍🏼

We had rain again overnight but it's very close and windy here 🧡🧡🧡

That’s lovely 🍹🌞

Early Summer 2022

Morning folks, its still my favorite rose and my #bestofjune

Morning Jeremy.. fabulous 🧡💛

Morning Jeremy. Oh how beautiful ....obviously very happy there 👋😯💛❤

Love the way they're all slightly different 💛💗❤️

Wow that’s gorgeous 💛🧡💛🧡

Thanks Julie, Jane, Pauline and Enid and it never drops its petals @juliesgarden @flof1952 @pelly @godfreye

My fav too and now you mention it I’d not even noticed it doesn’t drop its petals 👍🏼😍
Late Spring 2022

From a couple of stalks two years ago to a promising shrub Rose which has become my favourite.
Mid Spring 2022

The first of many I hope

Looking great 💛🧡👍

Very nice Jeremy 👍😯

I love this rose , had one in my old garden years ago 🧡💛

Beautiful, I successfully took a cutting from mine two years ago, hopefully it’ll flower this year.

It’s a beauty JP🧡🧡
Early Winter 2021

Morning folks, we had a dry spell yesterday afternoon so I got to defoliate prune and clear the fallen diseased leaves of the roses at last. Have to wait till Friday before iget a chance to be out again it just never stops raining 🌧

Morning JP haven’t started mine yet still lots to do…

Morning Elaine have liked to start them earlier too but this weather is awful @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

I’m always a bit wary about doing them early incase we get one of those Beast from the Easts but I’ve got 30 to do so I’d better get started….and yes the rain had been a pain..but a mild spell is on it’s way…👍🏼😉

My garden is just too wet to walk on. I need quite a long spell of dry weather....please 🙏

@pelly I'm lucky Jane that most of mine are by paths

Morning Jeremy 🌸

Morning Jeremy with you on the rain front , at least you got a bit of time to potter!!

Afternoon Ange 😁 @anges

@juliesgarden I did for a couple of hours 😀
Late Autumn 2021

Morning folks on another very wet day... again... flooded roads all around me. Still I took this yesterday afternoon, despite the appalling weather we've been having this #rosetequilasunrise is proving why this flower is my most loved.

Morning Jeremy, it's much warmer here and the rain has stopped thankfully. That rose is doing so well 💛💛💛

Morning Jane 🙋 I'm amazed how it's still flowering so I'm leaving it till these roses have finished @pelly

I don't blame you 👍
Late Autumn 2021

Despite the recent weather and it being December this rose is still performing wonderfully

Wow, that’s fabulous 💛💛💛

It’s nice and sheltered JP….💛😍


Oh lovely 💛
Mid Summer 2021

Morning folks, another drizzly start here but the roses seem to love it, I've never had so many buds on it. Have a super Sunday all

Morning Jeremy 👍🏻🧡

Morning Julie 🙋 😊

Morning Jeremy, it's raining here ☔☔☔

Lovely colour

Morning Jane 🙋 it's been drizzling on and off all morning here but finally the sun is out. Big family gathering here today 🤞
Early Summer 2021

Morning folks, looking back through my June photos I have to come back to my favourite rose that seems to have an ability to glow on its own. This is my #bestofjune

It’s a lovely one 💛🧡💛

Just lovely 🧡

Lovely! 😍
Late Spring 2021

My favourite rose is starting to bloom

Mine has lots of buds 😍

Love this rose 🧡🧡

That’s beautiful JP🤗

Wow Wow 🤩
Mid Spring 2021

It's not even May and yet there are loads of buds on my rose 😳

That's good, love the colour of this one 😍

I must admit it's my favourite too @anges

That’s doing well, I haven’t got buds on any of mine yet 🌺

Love this rose 🧡
Mid Autumn 2020

Morning folks, its not raining yet but its blowing a hooley out there. My #bestofoctober is my rose glowing in the sunshine. Keep safe everyone

Good morning Jeremy beautiful rose🤗

Gorgeous flower! It's wild out there today 😳

Thank you Enid 😊 @godfreye

It certainly is Ange but dry so I get to greasing the fruit trees this morning @anges

Morning Jeremy. Such a pretty ROSE ....a very apt name. Take care 👋😃

Sounds fun! 😄

50 mph forecast for here today. Don’t think I’ll get any gardening done today

@anges anything that stops the moths climbing up the trunk!

It’s a beaut it makes me miss summer..😔🌞
Early Autumn 2020

This seems to glow with the sun in the late afternoon


Wow that’s a belter 🔥🔥🔥

Gorgeous. Wow 🧡💛😊

Wow!! It's beautiful and definitely glowing ♥️♥️🧡🧡
Mid Summer 2020

Morning folks on what promises to be a scorchio day. After a slow start this rose has really started to flower well

Morning JP, that's a lovely one. I don't think Lancashire got the memo about being scorchio but 22 degrees is ok by me 🙂

Morning Ange 👋 in Cheshire we've been notified of 27-28⁰ 😁

That’s beautiful JP.....have a cool day..🧊🧊🧊🧊

Morning that's a beauty 💘💛💘

Thanks Elaine, Keely one of my favourites @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @Keely

Morning Jeremy, it's gorgeous 💛 30° forecast in Lincolnshire 😰 I'll take your 22° anyday Ange. I've just been out to do a bit of deadheading and I'm dripping @anges
Late Spring 2020

Hi folks, this is the only bud on my transplanted rose but it looks in good health

Morning Jeremy. Very pretty too 👋😃

Morning Jeremy, it’s lovely, I’m sure you’ll have more 🙋♀️💛🧡

Gorgeous 😍

Morning 🌄 Jeremy, beautiful bloom despite the move. 💛🧡

Beautiful 😊

Morning JP...well named 🍹👌🏼

I'll christen it tonight when the sun goes down appropriately Elaine @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom

Gorgeous 💛🧡💛
Late Spring 2020

Morning folks first bud on my rose, its not diseased just covered in sawdust 😅

Morning Jeremy 🙋♀️

Morning 🧡

Morning JP, love the new look 😍

Morning Jane, Julie, Ange 👋 👋👋 hope it's great start to a wonderful weekend for you all @pelly @juliesgarden @anges

Morning ⛅ JP

Morning Mark 👋
Late Spring 2019

Morning folks, the rose's are starting to come into flower #firstrosebloom. I love this time of year. Have a special Sunday everyone

This is a lovely one JP 🌹🌹🌹

Beautiful rose 🌹

Morning JP that’s a cracker...🔥

Ooh fiery! 🌅🔥
Early Autumn 2019

Morning everyone, sad day, this is for @nessas Who brought joy to all who were lucky enough to be blessed that their lives were touched by her kindness and consideration. Rest in peace Vanessa

Morning Jeremy. Very sad day ......remembering her beautiful nature 💜💙❤🧡💛💔

R.I.P 💜💛💐

A beauty 😢💕💛

Gorgeous 💔💔



I'm so sad to hear this... 💔💔💔
Early Autumn 2018

In memory of #davidaustin Roses, beautiful colour and scent

That's a gorgeous one 😊

Lovely flower 🌸


I think his legacy will live on in a lot of our garden's, what a wonderful way to be remembered 🌹❤

Very pretty 🧡💛

Couldn't agree more Kathryn
Late Autumn 2018
Late Summer 2018

Morning folksies, hope it's a happy Thursday for everyone

Morning JP, I wonder if this is the same as my rose that a got a few years ago that was marked as Nostalga , but it's clearly not 🤔

Morning have a good one 😊

Morning Jayne, I got it from David Austin Roses so hopefully it's correct 😊

Morning Helen, you too 😃

That's beautiful 😍

Thanks Angie 🙂

Morning @jpea 😊 beautiful rose!! 🌹💖💛

Oooh, it's stunning 💛💘🌟

@jaynehynesburton This is mine, colouring looks very similar but the petal edges look different

Every flower on mine is slightly different, some look pink others very orange
Early Summer 2018

First bloom from my new rose that forms the centre piece of my 'hot' bed 😊


Fab colour JP. 👍🏻🧡

Gorgeous 💛🧡

So beautiful 🧡💛🧡

Beautiful 💗

Morning folks, not a lot of wildlife about in my garden at the moment but my favourite rose has kindly extended its third flowering, amazingly
Morning Jeremy .. think there as fed up with the weather as us !!
Morning Jeremy. Wow how beautiful 👋😯
Well it is that time of year Julie, we just need a week of serious frosts notice kill off the bugs @juliesgarden
That's amazing at this time of the year 🌹🌹🌹
It is Pauline, lovely @flof1952
It's somewhat unnatural in a way Jane, no more buds so when these go over that's it @pelly