Salvia 'Wendy's Wish'
Salvia 'Wendy's Wish'
- Mid Autumn 2022
- 22
- 5
- Late Spring 2022
- 17
- 3
- Late Autumn 2021
- 14
- 3
- Early Autumn 2021
- 18
- 3
- Mid Summer 2020
- 19
- 13
- Early Summer 2020
- 12
- 9
- Early Summer 2020
- 18
- 11
- Early Autumn 2017
- 14
- 1
Salvia 'Wendy's Wish'
- Mid Autumn 2022
- 22
- Late Spring 2022
- 17
Morning folks, this is one the 4 cuttings I took after the original plant broke. Both mine are doing well, I hope yours are too Jane @pelly
Morning Jeremy, I'm sorry to say they never came back and my cuttings failed. I don't think Wendy likes me very much 😥
Oh that's a shame Jane, I'm sure it's nothing you did or didn't do, just one of those (bit like me and Fuchsias) @pelly
- Late Autumn 2021
- 14
I finally got round to potting up these Salvias which aren't very frost hardy as @pelly and I have found out to our cost.
Thanks for the reminder, I must sort mine out Jeremy. It’s getting much colder after today 👍🥶
That's what spurred me on Jane, heard the forecast and grabbed my trowel 😊 @pelly
- Early Autumn 2021
- 18
- Mid Summer 2020
- 19
Remember this Salvia that broke in the wind well I took s few cuttings before I got rid thinking 1 or 2 might survive, it seems I've had more success than I thought
That’s great, well done 👍🌸
Fabulous don't plant them out until next year though they won't survive winter pot them on when roots are coming through bottom and in spring next year cut them back and harden off n loads of plants for garden next year, still got my cuttings to do 😄
Thanks @cyndi @linfoster @pelly does anyone want a cutting 😁
Thanks Keely, that was my plan, pot them on in autumn and then at the right time in spring put them in a cold frame for 7-10 days before planting them out @Keely
What a lovely offer, I would love one please as I lost mine last winter. It was the only one of my salvias that I didn't take cuttings of 🙄💕
I'm sure I can package one up well enough to post Jane, I'll wait untill one is a bigger and get it off to you @pelly
Thanks very much, that's so kind of you 😘
It's my pleasure 😊
Fantastic! Well done 😃
Thanks Ange 😊
Shame but I'd never buy from or sell to a country outside the UK @cyndi
- Early Summer 2020
- 12
DISASTER just about to put the stakes in when the wind took the whole plant down 😬😟😖 hopefully I'll get some cuttings grrrrrrrr
Oh no 🤦♂️🤬🤬🤬🤬
Of b****y hell 😕😵
Oh no Jeremy 😢 Is the root still in the ground, if it is I'd leave it there and pray a bit, you never know 🤔 I hope you manage to get some cuttings though 👍
Nearly wept Jane but then I remembered all the woes people are facing at this time and a broken plant is truly put into perspective. I've left the root ball in the ground, fed it and am 🤞🤞🤞 plenty of cuttings taken but there was no non flowering bits of any note @pelly
Exactly Keely, well put @Keely
The cuttings will be fine, just take the flower off 👍
😱 hope your cuttings take, then you will have lots because I am sure your original one will come back 👍🏻
Thanks folks, I've taken nearly a dozen cuttings but I still hope the roots take @pelly @linfoster @Keely @sadieberg
- Early Summer 2020
- 18
I found one! though it was somewhat misshapen but for a fiver I'm not complaining mind you I realise I've planted it in a too exposed position, darn it. Well it'll be moved again today come rain or shine
Morning JP ..looks a great colour 🌸👍🏻
It was one of my buys Julie when I created my beds at the last house and I loved it. I've been on the lookout for it again for a while now @juliesgarden
I bought this last year but sadly lost it over winter, the only salvia I didn’t take cuttings from 😢
My first was lost the same way so this will be replanted by a low wall in the sun and fleeced over winter (after taking cuttings of course) @pelly
I don’t know how I missed it Jeremy, I was gutted as it’s such a lovely one 😢💞
We're all culpable of missing opportunities Jane, but like me I'm sure you'll find a replacement like I did @pelly
Never seen one of those before....looks interesting...👌🏼
Not always hardy this one Jeremy so make sure you take cuttings later for next year it is a lovely one though 💕
Morning Elaine 🙋♂️ it's an unusual Salvia but I think really pretty @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Oh I have every intention of doing so Keely, don't want to lose another @Keely
- Early Autumn 2017
- 14
#cataloguing in #bed4jpea
Morning folks, this is still producing flowers when last year I had cut it down and mulched it. Strange times
Morning Jeremy. Loving this mild weather salvia 'hot lips' is lapping it up 👋😯
Morning Jeremy. My mum's salvia is flowering better now than it has all summer 💗💗💗
Morning Pauline, I keep forgetting to take cuttings from the one I gave to my daughter @flof1952
@pelly hopefully you'll be able to take a few cuttings Jane