- Mid Spring 2021
- 14
- 5
- Early Spring 2021
- 23
- 1
- Mid Summer 2020
- 20
- 1
- Late Spring 2020
- 13
- 5
- Mid Spring 2021
- 14
- Early Spring 2021
- 23
Can't wait to see this burst into flower
- Mid Summer 2020
- 20
A lonesome flower on my Viburnum, I'm not sure it should have started yet?
- Late Spring 2020
- 13
Please help me identify this plant and what's attacking it? I cannot see any bugs on either side of the leaves just sandy like substance. I don't even know what the plant is PlantID
It's a Viburnum - probably one of the deciduous ones like x carlcephalum. The back of the leaves on mine are sandy too. They often get eaten by viburnum sawfly larvae - hard to spot. Or it may just be something fungal. Either way, mine usually does this during summer but is better in Spring when it flowers.
Thanks Natasha, very much appreciated. I might spray with bug and fungus stuff but not keen to hurt innocent beasties @tash74
I've never had any saw fly larvae so I don't know what the damage looks like. This also looks like green fly damage.
I never bother spraying mine, by the time this happens they've flowered and other plants have the limelight. They always recover just fine for the spring.
Morning folks, very chilly it is too with an extensive ground frost, glad I got my fleece down on the veg beds.
Morning Jeremy, that’s so pretty. We’ve had a hard frost too 💁♀️🌸❄️
Pretty 🤩
Morning JP, we've escaped the frost. That's such a pretty picture of a pretty flower 🌸🌸🌸
Morning 🌸 Very pretty