Hello again Julie 👋 Apologies but these look very much like Japanese Anenomes to me. In order to change the encyclopedia entry, aimply go to your profile page and scroll through your plants. Once you've found the entry for Japanese Angelica Tree, swipe from right to left and tap on edit. Then click on the encyclopeoda link at the top and attach your lovely photo with the anemome record. Hope this helps 😃👋
Hello again Julie 👋 Apologies but these look very much like Japanese Anenomes to me. In order to change the encyclopedia entry, aimply go to your profile page and scroll through your plants. Once you've found the entry for Japanese Angelica Tree, swipe from right to left and tap on edit. Then click on the encyclopeoda link at the top and attach your lovely photo with the anemome record. Hope this helps 😃👋