Anemone Hupehensis var. japonica 'Splendens'
Japanese Anemone Splendens
Mid Summer 2020
- 8
Mid Summer 2017
- 17
Late Summer 2016
- 34
Mid Summer 2016
- 27
Mid Summer 2016
- 9
Early Autumn 2015
- 16
Late Summer 2015
- 20
Late Summer 2015
- 20

Anemone Hupehensis var. japonica 'Splendens'
Mid Summer 2020
Mid Summer 2017

Morning GTers 👋🏼 #wildlifewednesday #bee #pink #anemone #japaneseanemone #midsummer #summer

Morning Justin .......great photo :))

Thanks Pauline @flof1952 👍🏼

Morning Justin 👋👋👋

Morning Jane 👋🏼 @pelly

Beautiful 🌸💓🌸

Thank you @loverkookoo

Morning , 💕

Morning Justin lovely picture

Good morning Justin beautiful picture 👌💖💖

Morning Julie @juliesgarden

Thank you @kathy 😀
Late Summer 2016

Good morning GTers 👋 #pink #anemone #autumn

Good morning Justin.......just adore these pretty flowers. Great photo @justin :)

Morning Justin 🤗 great light for a few minutes this morning

Morning Justin beautiful little flowers love these 😍

Morning ☕️ super pink 💕🌸💕

Morning Justin and all, very pretty 💕✨✨🌸

Love these Japanese wind flowers ❤️

Good morning Justin 👋🏻

Good morning @justin 😊

@justin Morning Justin. Have a great day..🌞🌞

Thanks Pauline @flof1952

Good morning 👋☕️ @debs69
Mid Summer 2016

The start of another week already... Let's go GTers 🙌 #pink #anemone #summer

Justin's got that Monday vibe! Well done and nice colour anemone 😊

@justin ........happy monday Justin :)

Good morning Justin👋🏻

Morning Justin have

Good morning Justin. ☀️🌸 have a happy Monday 😊

Morning great colour my fav

Sure have 👍 lets go 👊 @charlottejhurst

Good morning Pauline @flof1952

Hello June 👋 @yodamama

Good morning 👋☕️ @jeanette1967

Hey Rachel 👋 @rachelbrooks
Mid Summer 2016

Love these little beauties #anemone #buds
I love the buds (on any flower)

Yes @clustyroen the promise to good things to come

Wonderful! Love the buds too! I'm hoping to snaffle one of these from dad's garden at the weekend! Hope it will be okay to move before it has buds!

Good luck Ian 👍 @bigemrg

Lovely shaped leaves too 👍👍

🙌 @fuschia

One of my favourites! ❤️

Mine too @bertie24
Early Autumn 2015

Still blooming lovely 🙌


#pink 👍🏼😄

Oh these are beautiful Justin 😍😍

Thanks a lot Julie 👍 @juliesgarden

Oh they are absolutely lovely 👌🏻😀

Thank you 🙏 @kathy

Another gorgeous plant @justin 👍👍

Thanks Pearl 👍 @fuschia

Beautiful must get some different coloured ones next year, lovely plants 😍

I love them and have these and a white variety 🙌 @krishnahairdo

I have white which look lovelt in between pink penstemon and ferns
Late Summer 2015

Happy sunny Sunday GTers... Have a super day 🌸

Very pretty Justin. Enjoy your Sunday. 🌸💕

Thanks Mo 👋 you too @mojo

How pretty are those😄

Very 🌸😁🌸 @kathy

Looks like you have a good show of them 🌸🌸🌸

Certainly have Debra... I think they're beautiful but they do need to be kept in check! @debs69

I have some that have taken over a corner of the garden @Justin 🌸 I have seen a dwarf variety advertised. Might be worth a go? 🌸

I agree with you on that @justin

I love anemones, they make the end of summer seem not so bad.


So cheerful
Late Summer 2015

New purchase today 😁 it accidentally fell in the supermarket trolley earlier 😳😂

Accidents will happen!😍

Oh dear poor you @Justin 😂😂

This happens to me alot😇😂

I know right? 😳 don't know how it happened Carol 😂 @cjh123

I know it's terrible isn't it 😂 @angeldawn

Is there such a thing as plantaholics annonymous?

😂😂😂 that just made me laugh out loud @Garyg


Visiting a couple of NGS gardens in the New Forest tomorrow, hope the weather holds out.

Good luck with that @Garyg by all accounts I think it's meant to be quite damp tomorrow!

Mmm must take a brolly!
💗 #japaneseanemone #pink 💕 have a good day GTers 👍🏼
You too Justin 👍🏻🙂
😀👍🏼😘 @linfoster
Thanks Pauline 😌 @flof1952
Lovely flower 🌸
Thank you @italydiva
Wow! That's so very pretty 💕💕
😃👍🏼 @midnightgardener