Camellia japonica 'Greensboro Red'
Camellia 'Greensboro Red'
Late Winter 2019
- 14
Mid Winter 2019
- 15
Late Winter 2017
- 26
Late Winter 2017
- 24
Early Spring 2016
- 24
Early Spring 2016
- 35
Late Winter 2016
- 26
Mid Winter 2016
- 15
Mid Winter 2016
- 17
Early Spring 2015
- 1
Early Spring 2015
- 1
Late Winter 2015
- 0
Late Winter 2015
- 0
Late Winter 2015
- 1
Late Winter 2015
- 1
Late Winter 2015
- 0
Late Winter 2015
- 0

Camellia japonica 'Greensboro Red'
Late Winter 2019
Mid Winter 2019

Well hello there 🙋🏻♂️❤️ #camellia #red #midwinter #winter #february

Lovely Justin

👍🏼 @jyotu

Morning justin, ❤️❤️

Good morning 👋🏼 @kathy

Hello there indeed!..mine are still all asleep 😴 beautiful Justin ❤️❤️

What a beautiful color

To be fair this was a complete surprise to me @juliesgarden and only spotted this weekend because I was at home during the day! Good surprise though 👍🏼 and looking back through old photos on here I can see this is ‘normal behaviour’!!

Cracking isn’t it @nej 👌🏼

Morning Justin ❤️ lovely!

Morning 👋🏼 @AlisaJ

Beautiful!!! Love the color!
Late Winter 2017

It's FRI-YAY 🎉 have a good one GTers #camellia #red #winter #wintercolour #winterblooms

Morning Justin, yaaay 👏👏 beautiful camellia , still waiting on mine 😬

Love the deep red of this one 👍🏼 @latebloomer

Morning Julie @juliesgarden all in good time 😀

@justin Morning Justin 👋👋

Morning Mike 👋🏼😀 @mikethegardener

Morning Justin @justin ......stunning colour :)

Morning Pauline @flof1952 👍🏼

Good morning Justin lovely pop of colour red is so rich🤗

Morning Enid 👋🏼 @godfreye

Fabulous colour , i need one 🌸

Thank you @johnson8301
Late Winter 2017

Have a great Sunday GTers 👋🏼 #winter #winterblooms #red #camellia #wintercolour

Morning Justin. What a stunning colour. ❤❤

Morning Justin, gorgeous , so nice to see again 👍

Morning Jane @pelly 👋🏼

Thank you @latebloomer

Good morning @juliesgarden 👋🏼 ☕️

Morning Justin! What a beauty ❤️

Morning @jan06 and thank you Janet

Morning Justin you too 🙋

Morning 👋🏼 @Keely

Good morning Justin! Beatiful bloom ☺

Good morning 👋🏼 @rusty
Early Spring 2016

It's Wednesday... Bloomin marvellous 🎉 #red #camellia #spring

Marvellous indeed! Have a wonderful Wednesday 🎉

Another super bloom 👍

Morning @justin

You too Ellen 👍 @ellenmarygardening

Thanks so much ☺️ @debs69

Morning Val 👋 @elflin

Gorgeous & lovely shot @justin

Good morning @justin

Thank you very much Ida @Nannaida

Mooooooorning Della ☕️👋 @harebell

It blooming well is a beautiful bloom 😍 mooorning all 👍 @justin
Early Spring 2016

Monday 😑 so here's a lovely #red #camellia to cheer the day. Have a good one GTers 👍

Thank you Justin, you to👌

Have a good week Steve 👍 @lamaisonbleueoleron

That's lovely 🐾

Glad you think so 👍 @bonesteph

Beautiful! Love the colour it's stunning!

Thank you and glad you like it ☺️ @lisebee

Beautiful 😍

Super bloom 👍

Thanks Kris ☺️ @krishnahairdo

Thank you 🙌 @debs69

Pretty 🌸 Have a good Monday 😊
Late Winter 2016

Happy Mother's Day 💐 #red #camellia


Lovely pic 😍

Thanks and good morning @debs69 👋

Nice one @justin 🌸

Thank you Ida @Nannaida

Beautiful Justin

Awe thanks Joan ☺️ @joanboston

Gorgeous rich colour.

Thank you @justin. Fabulous bloom 😍😍

Have a lovely day Pearl 👋 @fuschia

Glad you like it, thank you @brightcolours
Mid Winter 2016

Double trouble 🙌 oh well just have to accept that all my #camellia 's will have flowered before Spring this year 😏 it's been the most colourful January I've ever known! #red and good morning GTers 👋

Twins 👍happy Tuesday 🤓

Morning 👍👍 lovely Justin 😍

Good morning 👋 @debs69

Hey Julie 👋 have a good day @juliesgarden

🌺🌺 Lovely @justin Morning everyone

Good morning Jan 👍 @janric

Morning @justin they are beautiful though 👍👍

Lovely and cheerful morning all @justin

Good morning @fuschia 👋

Have a good day 👋 @kathy

This is another my favourite plant in the world!!
Mid Winter 2016

One lone #red #camellia flower hiding in a sheltered spot. Hopefully the rest will wait a couple of months! Good morning GTers 👋

Morning @justin beautiful rich red! Have a good day

Arhh lovely @justin I hope so poor flowers need there rest like us all😄 Morning everyone

Morning Kris 👋 @krishnahairdo

Morning Jan 👋☕️ @janric

Morning @janric

Morning @krishnahairdo 👋

@justin is it daylight where you live, still dark here?

Almost! @krishnahairdo this pic was taken in Sunday when it was sunny 😬

What a beauty 👍

Thanks Debra 👍 @debs69

Morning all , beautiful Justin @justin 😍
Early Spring 2015

#red #camellia
Early Spring 2015

Late Winter 2015
Late Winter 2015
Late Winter 2015

Late Winter 2015

Late Winter 2015
Late Winter 2015
#red #camellia joy on this Monday morn ❤️ have a good day 👍🏼 #latewinter #winter #march #winterblooms #winterflowers
I thought pink Camellias were the best - now I'm not so sure!! 😁 That's stunning! ❤
Morning Justin ❤️
This is a cracker too I think @anges and it’s right next to a very established pink one so the two together look a right picture 👍🏼
Morning Elaine 👋🏼@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
It sure is! Look forward to the photograph of them both 😀
😀👍🏼 @telswirld
Morning Justin, that's gorgeous, I'm still waiting for my red to flower ❤❤
Morning Justin lovely to see the camellias starting to flower I’ve got a while to wait yet 😉❤️
Fabulous ❤️❤️
Im sure it’ll be soon Jane. My two very established ones are now bursting into life but the two younger ones are still relatively wrapped up and have quite tight buds @pelly