Centaurea 'Amethyst on Ice'
Perennial Cornflower 'Amethyst on Ice'
Late Spring 2018
- 11
Mid Spring 2018
- 20
Early Summer 2017
- 5
Mid Spring 2017
- 12
Mid Spring 2017
- 26
Late Summer 2016
- 18
Mid Summer 2016
- 17
Late Spring 2016
- 59

Centaurea 'Amethyst on Ice'
Late Spring 2018
Mid Spring 2018

It’s a cold one but beautiful and bright ☀️ have a great day GTers #centaurea #white #micro #midspring #spring #closeup #cornflower #perennialcornflower

Still waiting for mine too come into bud but they are going to be stunning

It’s the first flower of the season for me and all my other buds are much smaller so I think this one got a little ahead of itself 😀 @ada31514

Morning Justin bright and sunny here as well, I still forgot to get some of these last year🙄

Morning Justin, I’ve got lots of buds too 😍😍

Morning Justin , lovely photo 👍👍

Oh well, there’s always next year 👍🏼 @kathy

Good morning Jane @pelly ☀️👋🏼

Thank you Julie, have a lovely day @juliesgarden

True @justin if I remember 🤣

Thanks Jason 😊👍🏼 @Jasonsparkes1

Fab Justin mines just showing it’s white tips 👍🏻
Early Summer 2017
Mid Spring 2017

Good morning GTers 👋🏼 #centaurea #perennialcornflower #white #spring #cornflower

Morning Justin , sounds like a cocktail 🍹 . Happy Monday 🙌

Morning Justin, have a great day 🙋🙋🙋

Good morning Julie @juliesgarden 🤣👋🏼

You too Jane @pelly

Morning that is so pretty👏🏻

Just love this 💕💕

Good morning 😀👋🏼 @kathy

Oh yes me too 😀👍🏼 @carolgs

Morning Justin, that is beautiful 💜 I'm hoping I might have a few in flower when I get home tomorrow

Oh here's hoping so Mo 👍🏼 @mojo

Evening, liking the two tones
Mid Spring 2017

Happy Friday folks 🎉 #perennialcornflower #white #cornflower #centaurea #spring

Same to you Justin , that's lovely 😊👍

Thanks, and you. I need to get out more!😏I haven't seen that beautiful combination, it's delightful😍

Good morning 👋🏼 ☕️ @juliesgarden

It sure is a cracker @tiger123 glad you like it 😀

Morning Justin bet this blends in well with your Jordy one 💜 have a good day 👍

Amazing flower design, morning Justin 👋🏻

They are in the same part of the garden along with a lot of other perennials @Keely in my effort to create a cottage style garden. An experiment on my part as not done before 👍🏼

Thanks @jacq1075 good morning 👋🏼
Good morning Justin,have a great day @justin

You too @Chester14 👍🏼

Lovely photo to greet a lovely day, caught the wildlife as well😊
Late Summer 2016

The last for this year I think... Until 2017 👋 #centaurea #cornflower #white #summer #upclose #macro


@justin Morning Justin. Oh! Don't say that... I can't stand goodbyes...!☹️☹️

Morning all humid today sign of sunshine coming 👍🙌🙌🙌

Morning @stephent

Good morning, just until next year 😬 @mikethegardener

Muggy here too but very grey still @Keely have a good day

Good morning Justin 😀

Morning Justin 🤗

Morning June @yodamama

Morning Jan @janric

Morning Justin. These are so pretty on my wishlist for next year 👍👍
Mid Summer 2016

Gorgeous #white #cornflower #summer #favouriteflower


Beautiful 🌺📸

I'm with you on that one Justin 👍🏻👍🏻

That's lovely a must have

It is pretty special 🌟

Love the colours😍

Thank you and glad you all like it @kathy @susytwoshoes @mrsflowerpot @yodamama @rachelbrooks

That's stunning Justin 👌🏻📸👌🏻 OK wish list time No 4 I think 😂

Wow that's awesome😊

Lovely photo

Late Spring 2016

Let's celebrate Friday with something lovely on ice ❄️🍸 #centaurea #cornflower #white #purple #spring Have a good one GTers 👋

Beautiful, kinda reminds me on honeysuckle, only MUCH prettier💜.


Have a lovely day 👍 @SikoMa

Morning Justin ☕️ - what a beauty! Hope the weather is good where you are! Have a great day! 😀

Unfortunately still grey and overcast bit hoping for better at the weekend. Have a good one Ian 👋☕️ @bigemrg

Thank you. Have a wonderful weekend @justin

Morning 🤓 that's a lovely flower for Friday 👍

🍾🍹cheers @justin have a great weekend. It is going to be very wet and cold down under. ☔️❄️

How delicate is that !😀

Morning all happy friday 😊🌺🌼

Awe thank you Deborah. Hope you have a super weekend ☺️👍 @latebloomer
Have a super Sunday GTers 👍🏼 #perennialcornflower #centaurea #white #latespring #spring
and you, one of mine is about to flower 🤙🏻
Good news 👍🏼 @kathy
Good morning Justin lovely cornflower 👍💕💕🌿💕💕
Have a good evening @plants
Thanks Lin @linfoster 😀👍🏼
Thank you @Nicsta
MORNING Justin. Garden Tags no longer go to Gardener's World ?? Was looking out for yous lol 😂
Not this year 😉 @baking hope you had a fab time
Sure did , need to do 2 days , as we ran out of time lol 😂