Echinacea 'Hilmoojoy' (Mooodz Series) syn. Echinacea 'Mooodz Joy'
Coneflower 'Mooodz Joy'
Mid Summer 2022
- 9
Mid Autumn 2016
- 35
Early Autumn 2016
- 44
Late Summer 2016
- 38
Late Summer 2016
- 22
Mid Summer 2016
- 22
Mid Summer 2016
- 28
Early Autumn 2015
- 17
Early Autumn 2015
- 20

Echinacea 'Hilmoojoy' (Mooodz Series) syn. Echinacea 'Mooodz Joy'
Mid Summer 2022
Mid Autumn 2016

And the final #echinacea looking good this #autumn 👍 Have a good day GTers #red #coneflower #latebloomer

Lovely as usual Justin. Goodnight and hope you have a wonderful day😄

Thanks as always Dar @SikoMa sleep well 😴

Morning Justin ☕☕

Morning Justin. 😊

@justin Morning Justin😊

Good morning @Keely

Hey 🙋🏻♂️ @mikethegardener

Good morning Jane @pelly

Good morning 😆

Good morning ☀️ such a lovely colour 👌🏼 have a fab day 😊

Morning Justin, lovely colour👍
Early Autumn 2016

Last one standing #echinacea #coneflower #red #autumn #macro #closeup Have a good one GTers

Good morning Justin have a good day 😀

Morning , oooo pink 💗😂, have a good day Justin 🙌

Morning June @yodamama

You too Julie @juliesgarden 🙌

Gorgeous @justin... Have a good one

You too Stephen @stephent

Morning @justin weather looks as good as your flower here🌞

It's certainly a brighter day today 👍 @kathy

Morning Justin! It's a beauty!

Beautiful 👍👍

Thanks Ian @bigemrg have a good day
Late Summer 2016

Monday... We have lift off. Meant to be a warm week so have a good one GTers 👍 #echinacea #red #summer

Morning this is lovely 👌

Morning Justin ☕️ Looking forward to this week! Hopefully I'll get a few jobs completed before the weather changes for the worse! Have a good day! 😀

Goodnight Justin. Enjoy your day off. 😎

@justin Morning Justin. Have a good one... Day off...?!?!? 😂

@justin ......good morning. Very nice.....have a great day Justin :)

Good morning @Keely

Have a great week Ian @bigemrg

Day off?!? @SikoMa I wish. On train into work

Thanks a lot as always @latebloomer

I wish 😏 @mikethegardener have a great week

You too Pauline @flof1952 👍
Late Summer 2016

It's the weekend 🎉 have a good one GTers #red #echinacea #coneflower

Good morning Justin 👋🏻

Yay! 👏🏼👏🏼 morning Justin have a good day ☀️

Morning Justin ☕️ I love echinacea but my seedlings didn't do well this year for some reason! I'll enjoy yours instead! Have a great weekend too! 😀

Good morning Justin. Thank you.....enjoy your weekend too @justin :)

Good morning Justin have a good weekend🤗

you too 😄

Good morning just enjoy your weekend 🙋🏼👌🏻

Morning @justin she has nothing to be moody about😊

Morning June 👋 @yodamama

You too 👋 @rachelbrooks

Sorry to hear that Ian @bigemrg hope you have a good weekend
Mid Summer 2016

Happy Thursday 😀 #red #echinacea #summer Have a good one GTers

Good morning Justin 👋

That's a beautiful happy flower. Morning Justin 🤗🤗

Morning ☕️ another one for my wish list 👍🤓

Good morning June @yodamama

Thank you @charlottejhurst

Good morning Debs 👍 @debs69

Morning Justin and all Enjoy your day 😊 Lovely bright shot it's so dull and wet here 😔

@justin Morning Justin😊

Good morning Justin 😊

Morning gorgeous flower 😍😍

Good morning @Justin lovely photo of a pretty flower
Mid Summer 2016

Love these flowers ❤️ #echinacea

Beautiful 🌼

Love these too but the slugs always get mine 😳

Thank you @yodamama

Horrible little critters @debs69 😠

You wait till it's fully open 👍 @latebloomer

Brilliant photo Justin......they are more stunning in full flower :)

😀 @susytwoshoes

They certainly are @flof1952

Morning all love this shot Justin 💛

Love the way the petals unfold and reveal the colour morning @justin
Early Autumn 2015

Have a great Sunday GTers 👋 #echinacea

And you @justin and the sun is shining 🌞🌞

Good to hear Carol, long may it continue 👍 @cjh123

And you Justin. Lovely shot and love the name. 😊

👌 have a great day Mo @mojo

Morning !! Lovely colour Justin 👍👍

Morning Julie 😁 @juliesgarden

Morning one and all have a good day. Very pretty colour @justin

It is isn't @kathy and a jolly good morning to you too 👌

Morning 😎 such a pretty plant love the centre 😍

Good morning Debra @debs69

Morning everyone. Beautiful flower @justin 👌
Early Autumn 2015

One of my new plants added last week. Good morning GTers 👋

Morning @justin another fine specimen love the centre 👍

Morning @justin lovely flower 😊

Morning Debra 👋 @debs69

Morning Val 👋 @elflin

Lovely !!Morning all 😎😎 have a good one

Thanks Julie, you too 👍 @juliesgarden

Morning Justin. Morning all, lovely shot. Have a great day all . 🌸

Morning Mo 👋 @mojo

Morning all like the colour of this

Morning 👋 @kathy

Morning everyone. A beaut @justin
Happy Wednesday GTers. Hope you’re all managing to stay cool in this heat 👋🏼
Morning Justin .. you too , although it’s been hot for so long , I must admit I’d love some cooler days .. beautiful echinacea 🧡
You too…beautiful pic 🧡
Love the colour. Cool at the moment with a breeze so making the most of my coffee outside
Good morning Justin you take care in this heat. Beautiful flower 🧡😎🥵😎🥵
Good afternoon Julie 🧡 I hear you 😉 @juliesgarden
Thanks Angela 🙏🏼 @italydiva
Sounds like bliss Jules @vec , enjoy your day 👍🏼
You too Enid and glad you like it. Thank you @godfreye