Euphorbia x martini 'Baby Charm'
Martin's Spurge 'Baby Charm'
Early Spring 2017
- 14
Mid Winter 2017
- 24
Early Spring 2016
- 34
Early Spring 2016
- 34
Early Spring 2016
- 33
Early Spring 2016
- 24
Late Winter 2016
- 14
Mid Winter 2016
- 18
Mid Winter 2016
- 11

Euphorbia x martini 'Baby Charm'
Early Spring 2017
Mid Winter 2017

Morning GTers 👋🏼 #euphorbia #foliage #winter #raindrop #rain

Morning Justin!

Good morning Justin! How beautiful even when covered in raindrops!

Morning Justin... Up and at it, enjoy Thursday fella

Hello 👋🏼 @Pushkraj

Thanks a lot 😀 @latebloomer

Good morning Ian 👋🏼 ☕️ @bigemrg

You too Stephen @stephent

Morning Justin. 😊😊

Morning Jane @pelly

Morning Justin @justin .......brilliant photo :)

Thank you Pauline @flof1952 have a good day
Early Spring 2016

It's the W E E K E N D 🎉 have a good one GTers #euphorbia #spurge #spring

You too @justin & everyone on Gtags enjoy

Yay 👍 have a good one too @justin and all on GT 😳

Good morning Jan 👋 @janric

You too Debs ☕️👋 @debs69

Same to you Justin , morning @debs69 @janric not a bad day here but cooler than of late , have a great weekend 👍😊

Mooooooorning 🎉👋😉 @juliesgarden

Bonjour all 🙌🏼🙈 "I don't believe it"! I'm back in France and its ☔️ piddling down 😂 however the garden is in need 👍I won't complain 😊

Fab picture. Snowing here......enjoy your w/e all :)

Morning Steve ☕️👋 @lamaisonbleueoleron

Morning all. Grey skies here but looks like sun is trying to come out, my little weed is going mad 😂😂😂😂

Wrap up warm and you too 👍 @flof1952
Early Spring 2016

Happy Sunday morning GTers 👋

Thank you Justin. Have a fantastic day yourself. Fabulous colours on this 😍😍

Thanks Pearl, hope it's sunny with you 👋 @fuschia

Morning Justin @justin Pearl @fuschia have a good one 🌞🌞 🙌🏻🙌🏻

Good morning Justin and all. I love the name 🍸🍸😉 . Agree with @fuschia fab colours 😊

🙌 you too Julie @juliesgarden

Jolly good morning to you too Mo @mojo 👋☕️

Happy Sunday to you @Justin it's going to be a good day for gardening ☀️🌷☀️🌷☀️

Morning @justin and all going car booting in Liverpool but I'm sure I'll be buying something for garden 😂

I'm not usually a Euphorbia fan but love the colours on this.

Have a lovely day Della @harebell

Have a fun day! @christineb 👍
Early Spring 2016

What a charmer 👊 #euphorbia #spurge have a good day GTers 👋

Happy Saturday 👍 super 📷

Thanks very much 👍🙌 @debs69 you too

👍have a lovely day too @justin

Thank you Tina 👍 @tina



Glad you think so Kris @krishnahairdo

Happy easter @justin 🐣

Gorgeous and great photo @justin 🤗

🌷🐰 @krishnahairdo

Thanks a lot Ida ☺️ @Nannaida
Early Spring 2016

It's nearly the Easter BH weekend here 🎉 have a good one GTers 👍 #foliage

#euphorbia #spurge

Morning @justin have a fab weekend 🐣🐣

You too Kris 👍 @krishnahairdo

Morning @justin @krishnahairdo and everyone else 🌷🌷

Cheers for Easter from Oz.🍾🐰🐰🐇🐇🐣🐣🍻

Bring it on 👍🐰

Good morning Julie 👋 @juliesgarden

Have a good one Sue @sue1953 👍

I can't wait. 4. Days. Off. Bring it 🙌 @debs69

Beautiful spurge Justin. Have fantastic easter everyone 🐰🐰🐥🐥🐣🐣

Hope you have a great time too Pearl ☺️👍 @fuschia
Late Winter 2016

👯🎉 F R I D A Y so thought I'd roll out this pretty little number! Have a great day GTers #foliage

😍😍😍 the colours, morning Justin , have a great day 🙌🏻🙌🏻

Good morning Julie 👋☕️ @juliesgarden

Morning 🤓 great foliage and just love the word spurge 😍

@justin 👏🏼👍 top marks, Justin, baby charm, did make me chuckle 😂 @debs69 👌😀

Good morning @debs69 @lamaisonbleueoleron everyone's all full of beans this morning 😂 must be that Friday feeling!

Great photo again😊 morning all @justin

Thanks as always. Have a super weekend 👍 @kathy

#red #spurge #Euphorbia

Hot and humid in sunny Queensland!! ☀️

Looks ace @Justin 🙌🏼 - mines not even poking through the soil yet 😕

👈👈👈 oiiiiii spurge get a move on 😂 have a great weekend Rich @richard.spicer.7906
Mid Winter 2016

Lovely #foliage for a Thursday morning and nearly the end of the week 😀 good morning GTers 👋

Morning @justin . One more commute after today... Yah, then it's the weekend.

👍👍👍🎉 @robbiec let the good times roll...

Morning 👍 hate these dark mornings 😳. Nice plant to start the day 🤓

Morning all, so do I @debs69 but not long till longer and warmer days .. Yay 😍

I have noticed the evenings getting lighter @juliesgarden 👍 but I'm sure the mornings are getting darker 😳

Morning @debs69 @juliesgarden last night was the first time this year that I've left work and it wasn't dark 🎉 bring on lighter and warmer days 😬

Absolutely 👍 🌞🌱🌺

@justin morning, or maybe afternoon with all you early birds 🙈 I do like the name of this plant, making me chuckle don't ask why, I may need to get out more 😉 🙊

😂😂😂 @lamaisonbleueoleron

Morning @justin & everyone I wonder who names these plants🙄😄

Morning @justin it was still light here at 5.45 last night😊
Mid Winter 2016

Good morning GTers 👋 lets start the week off with some lovely #foliage Have a great day #euphorbia

Morning 🤓 love the contrasting colours on this one 👍 spurge great name too 🤓

Glad you like it. I love the appley coloured flowers when thy come out too as they have red centres so it's really pretty @debs69

Morning @justin Beautiful day here. My spurge is rather leggy should I cut it back in March pls ? 🤔🤔

Morning @justin & everyone lovely sunny morning here love your spurge justin😄

I normally chop out any damaged stems in Spring and then more extensively chop stems that have flowered to the ground every year after they've bloomed. Has worked for me up until now 😬 @fuschia

Good morning Jan 👋 @janric

Really pretty morning @justin

Good afternoon 👋👍 @kathy

They are lovely @justin. Worth mentioning that they are not the best selection for people with sensitive skin as their sap is an irritant and can stain. If there are any doubts, use gloves when handling.

Definitely worth mentioning 👍 @robbiec
Have a good week GTers 👍🏼 #euphorbia #spring
You too Justin 😊
😀👍🏼 @latebloomer
Thank you 👍🏼 @lexijane
You too Justin 🙋😊
👍🏼 thanks Julie @juliesgarden
You too! Morning Justin 😊
Morning you too @justin
Morning @justin 🌞one today here. Hope you have 🌞too ☺️
Morning 👋🏼 @rachelbrooks
Morning Stephen @stephent
Thank you and good morning 👋🏼 @jacq1075