Helleborus 'Abcrd01' (Frostkiss Series) syn. Helleborus (Rodney Davey Marbled Group) 'Penny's Pink'
Hellebore 'Penny's Pink'
Late Winter 2019
- 14
Mid Winter 2019
- 25
Late Winter 2018
- 24
Late Winter 2018
- 21
Mid Winter 2018
- 14
Late Winter 2017
- 31
Mid Winter 2017
- 27
Mid Winter 2017
- 28
Early Winter 2017
- 17
Late Winter 2016
- 21
Mid Winter 2016
- 10
Mid Winter 2016
- 11
Early Winter 2016
- 11
Early Winter 2016
- 8
Early Winter 2015
- 6
Early Winter 2015
- 17
Late Autumn 2015
- 21
Late Autumn 2015
- 28

Helleborus 'Abcrd01' (Frostkiss Series) syn. Helleborus (Rodney Davey Marbled Group) 'Penny's Pink'
Late Winter 2019
Mid Winter 2019

Let’s hear it for Penny 🙌🏼 #pink #pennyspink #hellebore #helleborus #february #midwinter #winter

That’s a gorgeous colour 💕

😁🙌🏼 @carolecuttingitfine

Go Penny 👏👏💞

😀🙌🏼 @pelly

Gorgeous 😲👍🏼

Hurrah for Penny👏🏻

🥳👍🏼 @kathy

Great photo Justin .....she's a beauty 👌🙂💖

Thanks Pauline @flof1952 😀👍🏼

Very sweet. I know their nodding habit makes them hard to photograph, and to see for that matter, but I love it. Go for it Penny 🌸💕

You should see me trying to take photos of the blighters 🤣 @awomanonabike
Late Winter 2018

Wel it’s a chilly one for sure ❄️ stay warm and safe 👍🏼 #pink #pennyspink #hellebore #helleborus #latewinter #winter #wintercolour #winterblooms

-2 last night, -1.7 now but bright with a cloudless sky sun is out and no snow - yet🌞❄️😘

Wonderful gorgeous colour

Beautiful 💕

Hopefully you’ll escape it but judging by forecast it could be hitting the southwest today ❄️☀️ keep warm @kathy

Glad you like it @michelleh 😀

Thanks Della @harebell ☕️ 😀👍🏼

Morning Justin 😊Penny's looking beautiful 💕💕💕

Morning Justin, it's cold and snowy here. Enjoy your day 👋👋

Good morning Pauline ☕️ 😀👋🏼 @pauline33

Stay safe and warm Jane 👋🏼 @pelly

So pretty 👍
Late Winter 2018

Good morning GTers 🙋🏻♂️ have a great weekend #pink #hellebore #helleborus #latewinter #winter #wintercolour #winterblooms


🙋🏻♂️ morning @clare2611

Morning Justin that's beautiful, I planted my first hellebore in Sept but it hasn't flowered yet 😊

Thank you 🙏🏼 @angiecrazycatlady I love them 👌🏼

Morning 🙋🏻♂️ @LyndaClack

Morning Justin 🙋♀️, that’s a beauty 🌸💕, have a good one 🙌

Morning Justin another beauty 🌸

Morning Justin, she’s a beauty

Morning Justin,, have a good one yourself. 😊😊

Morning Justin you too 💕💞💕

Morning Justin lovely colour
Mid Winter 2018

Pink pink ☀️ well not quite but good morning from Penny’s Pink #hellebore 👍🏼 #pink #pennyspink #helleborus #midwinter #winter #wintercolour

Morning Justin another stunner 💕

Good morning 🙏🏼 @nessas

Good morning Justin. I noticed one of my hellebores was thinking of opening yesterday, though given the temperatures I suspect it’s tucked itself back in 😉

Ooooo pink 🤣💓 morning Justin 👌

Morning Justin mi living pink pink ones 💕💖💕💖

Morning Justin and Penny 💕💕

And who could blame it! @awomanonabike freezing today brrrrrr

🤣 @juliesgarden morning 🙋🏻♂️

Good morning 👋🏼 ☕️ @Keely

Morning Jane 🙋🏻♂️🌸 @pelly

Beautiful beautiful 💖🐾
Late Winter 2017

Have a good day GTers 👍🏼 #hellebore #pink #winter #wintercolour #winterblooms #rain #raindrops #helleborus
Good morning Justin,lovely centre to the plant @justin

Morning 👋🏼 @Chester14

Morning Justin 👌have a good day 😊

You too Pauline @pauline33

Thank you Justin @justin .......you too :)

👋🏼☕️ @flof1952

Morning Justin lovely pic have a fab day 💗

Thank you @mich you too

Morning Justin🌻

Morning 🌸

You too 😊👍
Mid Winter 2017

Morning GTers 👋🏼 another #hellebore beauty for you #pink #macro #winter #winterblooms #wintercolour

Thanks @latebloomer glad you think so 👌🏼

Morning Justin. 😊😊

Morning Jane @pelly

Morning 👍 one of my favourite hellebores 💕

Morning Justin @justin ......pretty Penny. Great photo too :)

Morning Debs @debs69

Thanks Pauline @flof1952 good morning

Morning, Gorgeous 💕

👍🏼 @titchyfra

Morning Justin 👍

Morning Justin ☀️ she's a lovely dusky pink 👌🏼💕
Mid Winter 2017

Well hello pretty penny 👋🏼 have a good day GTers #pink #hellebore #winterblooms #winter #wintercolour

Morning Justin, what a stunning photo to start the day. 🌸🌸

Thanks Jane @pelly have a great day
Lovely colour @justin

She's a beauty @Chester14 👌🏼

Morning Justin! She certainly is pretty!

Morning Ian, glad you agree 👍🏼 @bigemrg

#helleborelove ❣

Morning Justin @justin ........she is a beauty. Great photo too. Enjoy your day :)

🙏🏼 @clipperty

Good morning Pauline @flof1952 thank you 😀

Beautiful 💕
Early Winter 2017

Good morning GTers 👋🏼 another #hellebore on the way 👍🏼 have a good day #winter

Good morning Justin I do like hellebores 🤗

Yaaay, morning Justin 👍👍

Oh yes @godfreye me too. I. Ow have several in the garden 👍🏼

Good morning Julie @juliesgarden

Morning Justin 👋👋. I love pink 💝

Good morning Pearl @fuschia 👋🏼

Morning Justin lovely to see new growth in the garden, have good day

Such a beautiful plant

Good morning Jan, it sure is ☺ @janric

Glad you agree 👍🏼 @susieg

Morning Justin that's going to be a beauty 👌💕
Late Winter 2016

Ohhhhhhh Penny ❤️ you're such a beaut #pink #hellebore

Glad you think so Deborah 👍 @latebloomer

Belle of the ball I would imagine you take amazing pictures @Justin morning

Fab photo @justin does Penny proud...Morning👋

Stunning photo of Penny Justin 👏👏 💕 Morning everyone ☺️

That's a beaut.

Good morning 👋 @kathy

Thank you and good morning @janric

Thank Mo and good morning 👋 @mojo

Sure is Gary 🙌 @Garyg

Morning all , that's beautiful Justin @justin 😍

Good morning Julie @juliesgarden
Mid Winter 2016

Happy Friday GTers 🎉 have a good day 👋

#pink #hellebore

Happy Friday 👍 Penny in pink 😍

Sure is 👍 @debs69

Happy Fri @justin & everyone hope Penny's safe from the gales today Justin

She seems to be doing just fine Jan! Good morning 👋☕️ @janric

Lovely 😎

Glad you think so Carol and good morning 👋 @cjh123

Love the photo morning @justin

Good morning @justin a bit windy here in Essex this morning 💨💨
Mid Winter 2016

Yay it's Saturday 🎉 have a good weekend GTers 👋

What a gorgeous colour morning @justin

Yes they've been really good so far this season 👍 @kathy

Beautiful colour 👍

@justin oh no another to add to my ever growing list 🙈👍 fabulous.

👏🏼🌸 looks ace @justin

Had to go and buy one of these @justin 👍🤓

So I've just seen 👏👏👏 @debs69

Glad you like it Steve 😀 @lamaisonbleueoleron

Thanks Rich 🙌✌️ @richard.spicer.7906

Early Winter 2016

Good morning GTers 👋 #pink #hellebore have a good day ☕️👍

Morning @Justin lovely flower 😊

Good morning Val @elflin

Morning @justin & everyone👋👋

Good morning Jan 👋 @janric

Morning @justin you haven't got snow then pretty flower

Nope no snow here at all... Cold though! @kathy

Beautiful 😍

Thank you @debs69

Nice one @justin , there are so many cultivars.

Sure are @robbiec and I particularly like the double varieties 👍
Early Winter 2016

Lots of lovely flowers on my #pink #hellebore 👍

Very pretty still waiting for mine to open😟

All in good time... @kathy

😌 @justin

Beautiful 👍 I can just see the buds on my pink one coming up, should I cut the old leaves off or leave for a bit longer for protection @justin ? 🤓

Look forward to seeing yours soon 👍 @debs69 I usually do mine sometime in January 👌

I usually do mine when new leaves start coming up. If there is any black marks on them I would take them off now.

Thanks @Justin and @joanboston the leaves do look a bit rough so might give it a trim 👍
Early Winter 2015
Early Winter 2015

Good morning GTers 👋 #pink #hellebore

Morning @justin gorgeous

Morning Justin , beautiful 👍👍 @justin

Morning @justin gorgeous colour 👍👍

Good morning @kathy

Morning Julie 👋 @juliesgarden

Morning Pearl 👋 @fuschia

Morning Justin 👋🏼 - cracking bloom 😀👍🏼

Morning Rich 👋 cracking ain't it! 😬🙌 @richard.spicer.7906

Most definitely 🙌🏼 - will be including them I think in my late 2016 plan 😉

👍👍👍 @richard.spicer.7906

Evening @justin more lovely Helle's from you
Late Autumn 2015

Sometimes it's also about the #foliage and I love the colours of this. Good morning GTers 👋

Lovely foliage @justin 👍 Morning 🤓

Morning Debra 👋 @debs69

Morning @justin @debs69 and everyone. Have agood day

You too Kris 👋 @krishnahairdo

👍👍 @lee85

Great detail.

Yes I really like it 😀 @geoffboston

Beautiful markings morning @justin

Fabulous colours Justin, morning all 😊

Very interesting leaf @justin🤔 morning everyone😀

Good morning @kathy
Late Autumn 2015

What do you think of this little #pink #hellebore cracker?! I think she's a beaut 👍 good morning GTers 👋

It's gorgeous @justin ! Never seen a pink one like it.

Thanks Joan. I really do love Helleborus and can't wait for my dark purple one to flower @joanboston ☺️

Very pretty @Justin 😍

Glad you think so Carol☺️ @cjh123


☺️👍 @juliesgarden

I have penny's pink in my garden. She isn't anywhere near flowering yet though

I guess I must be lucky Tim as I have quite a few buds on mine too 👍 @gardening-vet

Well I planted the hellebores partly because rabbits aren't supposed to like them but my rabbits don't seem to know that. So she's been pruned several times this year!

Oops 😂 @gardening-vet

I have a purple one I brought from our old garden ( couldn't leave it behind). Was in a pot till last spring so hoping for flowers in the spring. Love hellebores.
Good morning from #pennyspink 💗 #hellebore #helleborus #pink #latewinter #winter #february #winterflowers #winterblooms
Morning Justin 🙋🏼♀️💗
Morning justin and pretty Penny😊
Morning 🙋🏻♂️ @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Good morning 👋🏼 @kathy
Morning Penny 😉👍💕
Morning both 💞🙋
Good morning Julie @juliesgarden
Morning Jane 👋🏼 @pelly
It certainly is Justin 😘
Evening 😬 stunning 👌📸👌
It certainly is isn’t it Naomi 🙌🏼😀 @Naomi126