Hibiscus syriacus 'Woodbridge'
Rose of Sharon 'Woodbridge'
Late Summer 2019
- 5
Late Summer 2018
- 8
Mid Summer 2018
- 26
Early Autumn 2016
- 42
Mid Summer 2016
- 28
Early Autumn 2015
- 14
Late Summer 2015
- 8
Mid Summer 2015
- 12
Early Summer 2015
- 7
Early Summer 2015
- 0
Early Spring 2015
- 0
Late Winter 2015
- 0
Mid Winter 2015
- 0
Mid Summer 2014
- 0
Mid Summer 2014
- 1
Mid Summer 2014
- 0
Mid Summer 2014
- 0

Hibiscus syriacus 'Woodbridge'
Late Summer 2019
Late Summer 2018

Morning GTers 👋🏼 #hibiscus #pink #latesummer #summer #september

Morning Justin 🌸🌸

Morning Justin, lovely 🌸🌸

Hello Jane @pelly 👋🏼

Good morning Julie 😀 @juliesgarden

Morning Justin, that is pretty 💕😍

Thank you @christineb have a lovely day 👍🏼

You too Justin 😊
Mid Summer 2018

Anyone else feel like they’re living inside a volcano right now?!? Have a good one GTers #pink #hibiscus #july #midsummer #summer

Yup, morning Rich 🔥🔥🔥

Morning such a beautiful colour 💖

🧐 @richard.spicer.7906 Jane is saying 👋🏼 😂 @pelly Morning 🙋🏻♂️

Good morning @suerichards 👋🏼

@pelly 😂 morning Jane 👋🏼 and morning Justin 😉

Beautiful! Good morning @justin

M O R N I N G @richard.spicer.7906 👋🏼

Have a lovely day @Venkat 👍🏼

Just looked at the forecast for here, think the volcano is going to blow tomorrow😨

Morning Justin, yep , just nudged the 30c mark here 🔥🔥 try and stay cool 😎

Yes I’m looking forward to thunder storms and hail tomorrow when check probably means flooding too 👍🏼😂 @kathy
Early Autumn 2016

Lovey #pink #hibiscus still going strong #autumn Have a good one GTers 👍 #latebloomer

Morning 💞💕💞 enjoy your day

You too @Keely 👍☕️

Good morning Justin.......purchased one of these last week. Such attractive flowers. Have a great day @justin :)

Good morning Justin 😀

Morning! Beautiful!

Good morning Justin 🌺 you too

Morning. Beautiful bloom.

Morning that is so pretty @justin

Morning... lovely colour one Justin

Oh fantastic Pauline, look forward to seeing yours come along too @flof1952 👍

Morning June @yodamama
Mid Summer 2016

Good morning GTers... Nearly the weekend 👍 #hibiscus #pink #summer

Hello 👋 and thank you ☺️ @latebloomer

Good morning Justin ☕️ - seen quite a lot of different types of hibiscus recently and am definitely tempted! Love the colouration of this one!

Morning ☕️ love the colour of this one 👍

Good morning @justin. How are you doing...? Great photo. I love the blue Hibiscus too, Blue Bird 😊

Morning Justin love the flowers but they grow too big for my garden. Have a nice day 👍

@justin .......good morning. Very pretty flower......great shot. Enjoy your day :)

Go for it Ian. The white one I have is my favourite and that's just coming into bloom too now 👍 @bigemrg

Good morning Debs 👋 @debs69

Not bad at all thanks Mike 😬 yes and I also have a white flowering one too 👌 @mikethegardener

Good morning Pearl 👋☕️ @fuschia

Glad you like it Pauline @flof1952 have a lovely day 👋
Early Autumn 2015

The last remaining flower on my Hibiscus as snapped on Sunday when it was still sunny. Hope it helps to cheer everyone up on this grey wet day 😁 good morning GTers 👋

#pink #hibiscus

Morning 👍 what a beautiful colour too 🌺

Morning Debra 😀👋 @debs69

Morning Justin @debs69 and all. Thank you for a lovely start to a very wet day here. 🌸

You're welcome Mo, have a good day 😁 @mojo

And you Justin, btw your new profile photo has updated properly now! 😊

Morning all from soggy Kent , miserable here , hope you all have a great day 🍂🍂👍

'Morning all' from a very grey damp Suffolk 😊

☺️ @mojo

Morning Julie 👋 @juliesgarden

Morning Jan 👋 @janric
Late Summer 2015

Lashing it down but still looking pretty in the #rain

Good to see something bright and cheerful on this grey day👌

Super colour enhanced by the rain drops 💦

Morning Debra 👋 @debs69

Morning @justin weather manky here 😁 have planting to do 😁

Beautiful colour

Glad you like it Kate 👍 @kateellery40gmailcom

Mid Summer 2015

Well 'hello' Friday 👋 🎉What have you lovely GTers got planned this weekend?

Hi, hoping for some serious rain, everythings really dry.

Maybe we can get GTers to do a rain dance Gary 👯💦 @Garyg Hope your garden gets the nourishment it needs 👍

We have plenty of rain and everthing is getting a thoroug soaking!

Yes we definitely need the rain! I bought lots of lovely new plants last night that I need to plant out. Just have to dig out the border a bit more first!?

Well good luck with that Sarah and I look forward to seeing what you do with it 👍😃 @sarah

Plenty of rain here and its disturbing our time building the pond. Though the plants are loving it ☔️🌹🌸🌺

Gotta see that pond when you're done Andrea! @andrea hope you get it sorted!

Raining here too! Wont be watering the turf I laid yesterday! Off to the garden centre to get a few more plants today then putting down stepping stones and gravel to put the finishing touches to the front garden!

Busy day planned for you then Loretta. Don't over do it and I look to seeing a photo of your front garden when you're done! @LLW 😃👋

Beautiful bloom.

Thank you Christine 😃 @dkjyes
Early Summer 2015
Early Summer 2015
Early Spring 2015
Late Winter 2015
Mid Winter 2015
Mid Summer 2014
Mid Summer 2014

Mid Summer 2014
Mid Summer 2014
#pink Sunday 🤔 or 💗 to make @juliesgarden 😉 Hope you’re all having a great BH #hibiscus #august #latesummer #summer
Beautiful Justin 🌸🌸
Thanks Jane @pelly 👍🏼
Awww 🥰😆😘😘💝💓💗💘💕💞
🤣🤣🤣😉😋 @juliesgarden