Narcissus 'Thalia' syn. Narcissus triandrus 'Thalia'
Daffodil 'Thalia' (Triandrus)
Early Spring 2020
- 16
Early Spring 2019
- 3
Late Winter 2019
- 14
Mid Spring 2018
- 9
Early Spring 2018
- 24

Narcissus 'Thalia' syn. Narcissus triandrus 'Thalia'
Early Spring 2020
Early Spring 2019
Late Winter 2019

Love these #daffodil ❤️ #white #thalia #daffodilthalia #latewinter #march #winter #winterflowers #winterblooms

Fab ..morning Justin 👍💛

Good morning Julie 😀 @juliesgarden

Morning Justin, my favourite too 😍😍

Super aren’t they Jane 👍🏼 @pelly

I think it’s the pure simplicity of them 👍👍

Lovely spring has sprung 😍

It sure has @plants 👍🏼

One of my favourites. They remind me of Audrey Hepburn in “My Fair Lady” 😍

Beautiful white Justin 🤗

I love the pureness of these 😀 @awomanonabike

@godfreye yes they really are Enid, my favourites 😀
Mid Spring 2018

A drift of #scented #thalia 👃 go on take a sniff it’s gorgeous 😋 have a great weekend GTers #white #daffodil #daffodilthalia #midspring #spring

A sea of white daffodils 😍

Morning Justin just love the white ones 💟

Sure is 😀👍🏼 @kathy

And the scent they give off when they’re en masse like this is amazing 👍🏼 @nessas

I think they smell like jasmine, which took me by surprise as it's the first time I have grown them this year.

Gorgeous isn’t it @euphorbia 😀👍🏼

Love this one gone straight on wishlist 😍

I recommend it highly @Keely you won’t be disappointed Keely 👍🏼
Early Spring 2018

It’s FRIYAY 🎉 one of my fave #daffodil #thalia #white #earlyspring #spring #bloom

Lovely , love the smaller ones Justin, soooo pretty. Happy Friday 👋

Have a great day and weekend Julie @juliesgarden I love the pureness of this one

Morning Justin, mine seem to be refusing to open, I think they need some sun 😍😍

These have popped open in last couple of days 👍🏼 @pelly have a good day Jane

Good morning. Definitely one of my favourites too 💚

These daffodils are beautiful. I have to have this one in my garden too. Thanks for inspiration Justin!

Morning Justin favouring more of the paler ones this year have a good un 👍🏻

😀👍🏼 @awomanonabike

You’re very welcome 🙌🏼 @bensgarden

Yes me too 👍🏼 @nessas have a super day

Bought some shades of white bulbs last year but they are more like shades of yellow unfortunately 🙁 yours are gorgeous
Love the simplicity of these little beauts ❤️ #thalia #april #earlyspring #white
The petals on some of my blooms don’t look as skinny as last year 🤷🏼♂️
That’s nature for you I guess 😃 @dan5584
Me too ..morning Justin 🙋♀️😊
Just 👌
Beautiful 💚
Morning Justin, these are my favourites 🙋😍
Perfect aren’t they Julie @juliesgarden 👍🏼
👍🏼☺️ @awomanonabike
👌🏼☺️ @auricula
They really are aren’t they @anges ☺️
Mine too Jane @pelly 👍🏼☺️