Philadelphus 'Virginal'
Mock Orange 'Virginal'
Late Spring 2018
- 21
Late Spring 2017
- 20
Late Spring 2017
- 14

Philadelphus 'Virginal'
Late Spring 2018
Late Spring 2017

Have a great Friday 🎉 #white #mockorange #philadelphus #scented #spring

Gorgeous! You too Justin 😀

Morning Justin beautiful bloom's,love how pure white the flowers are 😘👍

Thank you @CJGardening

Good morning @daisy-jane 👋🏼

Good morning @justin there is something about pure white blooms😍

Morning Justin ☕☕

Morning Justin, love that , have a fab Friday 👍

Particularly when they also smell so good 👍🏼 @kathy

Good morning 👋🏼 ☕️ @Keely

You too Julie 😀🎉 @juliesgarden

Very pretty 😍 Morning Justin
Late Spring 2017

The sweet #scented #philadelphus is just heaven 👍🏼 #spring #white ❤️

Just been to look at mine, not open yet, I made the mistake of planting right at the bottom of the garden, not the best place to make the most of the fabulous scent.

Can smell it here oh no that's mine I can smell 😄

Gives you a good excuse for a little wander and sniff on occasion 😉 @lisa868

Super isn't it 🤣 @Keely

It is Justin and first year for me to have flowers after cutting it back at wrong time every year until I learnt not to cut back in Spring so im pleased to have them seen as I've had shrub for at least 5 years 😂😂😂

So wish it was smelly vision 👌📸👌

Love the plants and great picture

I hear ya 😉 @Naomi126

Yes super aren't they @kathy and thank you 😊

How beautiful

Thank you @titchyfra
Pure perfection 👌🏼 Have a great day GTers 👍🏼 #white #mockorange #philadelphus #scented #latespring #spring
Isn’t it just have a super day 👍🏻
😀🙌🏼 @nessas
Showing the strength of the purity of white.
Sure is @Annettenoosa
That’s a very pretty one!
Thank you @valjones-hughes 😀
Morning Justin, a real stunner😍
Sure is and lovely scent @kathy
Good morning. That’s lovely 😍
Morning Justin, that’s beautiful 👌
Thank you @lexijane have a good day