Phormium cookianum 'Tricolor'
Mountain Flax 'Tricolor'
Late Spring 2018
- 8
Mid Spring 2017
- 15
Mid Summer 2016
- 23
Late Winter 2016
- 21
Early Autumn 2015
- 15
Late Spring 2014
- 1
Late Spring 2014
- 1

Phormium cookianum 'Tricolor'
Late Spring 2018
Mid Spring 2017

I planted this #phormium four years ago (one of the first new plants in my new garden) and it's grown from a tiddler which hasn't flowered to this monster with five flower spikes this #spring 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Exciting it's flowering in style 🙌

Think I have the same plant Justin .....can't remember when I bought it but I had 1 flower last year and looks like just the 1 again this year!! How exciting though for you :)

It sure is @titchyfra

Wow that's great Justin 🙌🏻👏🏻

I know Pauline, I'm dead chuffed @flof1952 ☺️

Thank you 😀 @nessas

Brilliant 👏👏

👌🏼👍🏼 @juliesgarden

Great news 👍 noticed flower spikes on mine yesterday 😉 not flowered before either 🤗

Wooo hooo 🎉 @debs69 👍🏼

I remember earlier pics Justin. Certainly has grown 👍
Mid Summer 2016

For you @tash74 three years ago and now 👍 #phormium

Gorgeous 😍

Thanks Jean @clickchick

Wow. Quite a difference

Sure has grown 👍 @charlotte

Yay! That's exactly what I was hoping for!

What's that to the left of the phormium now? Interesting leaf shape!

Oh that's a Tree Peony Lutea @tash74

#before #after 👍

Wow , likes where it is 💛👍

Evening Justin, Looks double lush. 👌I hope it doesn't reach the size of mine 🙃😉😂 will yours flower, do you think ?

It sure does @lovemygarden65
Late Winter 2016

💚❤️ the colours of this #foliage Good morning GTers 👋

#pink #variegated

Very nice!

Glad you think so Katie 👍 @brightcolours

Thank you Deborah 👌 @latebloomer

Great pic and beautiful colours 🤓👍

Morning @justin lovely foliage👍🏻

Thanks Debs and jolly good morning to you ☕️👋 @debs69

Very kind of you to say so but not half as good as a lot of pics I've seen on here but very glad you like them. All taken with my iPhone too 👍 @latebloomer

Good morning Kris ☕️👋 @krishnahairdo

And a very frosty one to 👋🏻 have a good day

@justin bonjour all, it's wet wet wet 😏☔️🌧⛈ with a touch of thunder storms for good measure 🙈
Early Autumn 2015

Beautiful tri-colour #foliage in the #rain and a jolly good morning to you GTers 👋

Beautiful picture 😍

Thanks Debra 👋 @debs69

Morning Justin a very nice and unusual phormium. I have a few colour varieties but haven't seen this one before.

Good morning Paul 👋 @adrennaline

Morning Justin , fab colours 😍

Morning Julie 👍 @juliesgarden

Morning @justin hope you have a lovely day as we have love the foliage 👌😀

Morning Justin and all. Fabulous phormium 😃

'Morning everybody' a lovely sunny morning it is to for me hope its the same for you all ☀️😎😀

You too @kathy 👍🌻☀️

Morning Mo 👋 @mojo
Late Spring 2014

Late Spring 2014

It’s so nice out. Pruning and deadheading done. Time to have a rest I think 😀 #variegated #phormium #tricolour #foliage
I’ve just come in, dinners nearly ready😊 done 3 hours in the garden it’s beautiful out there 🌞😊
It sure is @kathy lovely and warm 👍🏼
I’ve had to stop it’s so warm here ...phew !
I stopped a while ago 😉 @juliesgarden need to enjoy looking at it too 👍🏼😂
Too hot for gardening today. 😆
I did mine very early in so managed to get done what was needed @ublaszko 👍🏼
👍👍 I often end up doing mine in the evenings as there's still some light until 10pm 😅