Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii 'Little Goldstar'
Coneflower 'Little Goldstar'
Mid Summer 2019
- 4
Mid Summer 2018
- 15
Mid Summer 2018
- 8
Mid Summer 2017
- 19
Early Summer 2017
- 32
Mid Autumn 2016
- 38
Early Autumn 2016
- 36
Late Summer 2016
- 20
Mid Summer 2016
- 40
Mid Summer 2016
- 34
Mid Autumn 2015
- 19
Mid Autumn 2015
- 18
Early Autumn 2015
- 14

Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii 'Little Goldstar'
Mid Summer 2019
Mid Summer 2018

Up and at em GTers. Have a good week 👍🏼 #blackeyedsusan #yellow #rudbeckia #midsummer #july #summer

Morning yup up and at em from 5.30 this morning luckily half day so finish at 9.30 👍😄

Thank Justin, those have definitely brightened the morning 💛💛

Morning Justin! That’s a pic of happiness right there! 👌🏼💛

Have a good one @Keely 👍🏼

Glad to have been of service @pelly 👍🏼

Sure is @AlisaJ 👍🏼


Thank you 🙏🏼 @kathy

A ray of sunshine ☀️

Sure is @lovemygarden65 👍🏼

Mid Summer 2018
Mid Summer 2017

Happy 🌼 Thursday GTers 💛 #yellow #blackeyedsusan #rudbeckia #midsummer #summer

Morning Justin 💛💛💛

🌼 morning @Keely

Morning Justin 🙂our black eyed Susan is different over here it is smaller and a real orange colour and more rounded petals

Morning Justin , fab plants 👍

Hey Judy 👍🏼 have a lovely evening @plants

Sure are 🌼🌼🌼 @juliesgarden

Morning Justin hope your weather is as sunny as these beauties 😊

Happy Thursday to you Justin .....hope it's a good one :)

It has been very wet but hoping for better today 👍🏼 @kathy

And you Pauline @flof1952 🌼

How can you not be happy looking at these...such cheery blooms 🌼🌼🌼
Early Summer 2017

🌼☀️🌼 have a great day GTers 👍🏼 #yellow #blackeyedsusan #rudbeckia #earlysummer #summer

Thanks Justin 👍

😀👋🏼 @fuschia

Morning Justin, have a lovely day 💛💛💛

Thank you and you too. 😎super shot! 😍

Morning Justin , very bright on this dull morning , have a good day 💛👍

Morning Justin too :)

Morning Justin @justin 👍🏻

Morning Justin 💛

Morning Justin you too 💛

You too Jane 😀 @pelly

Thanks Pam 😀 @tiger123
Mid Autumn 2016

🌼 still flowering ☺️ #yellow #rudbeckia #autumn #latebloomer Have a good day GTers 👋

Good morning Justin! Those are flowering very late in the year! Still nice to see though!

You too @justin ! Mine are long gone!

👍😀 @bigemrg

👋☕️☺️ @SylviaDavies

Morning Justin they do great for autumn colour 💛💛💛

Good morning 👋 @Keely

@justin Good morning my friend. Happy Thursday 😊😊

Oh yes indeedy @mikethegardener 🙌 good morning

Have a great day Justin. Goodnight 😄😴😴

Thank you and sleep well @SikoMa 😴

Morning Justin, same to you. 😊
Early Autumn 2016

Good morning GTers 👋 #latebloomer #yellow #upclose #rudbeckia Have a great day #autumn

Morning Justin need ☔ today 😡

I had plenty yesterday but so far it's dry 👍 @Keely

Forecast drier later then rain at home time hmm!!!!

Morning Justin and @keely! 🙋 Meant to be dry for the next few days here. Loads to do, so fingers crossed! Hope it stays dry for you!

@beckers1974 Morning hope it is for you bit at a time hun don't over do it 😊😊

Morning Justin 🌼 fab flower! An absolute star in the garden. Have a great day

Good morning @beckers1974 hope you get it all done 👍

Thanks a lot @rachelbrooks have a good day 😀

@Keely didn't do anything yesterday - been fighting a cold and my body was having none of it. Ethan's wanting me to play football with him - might leave that for another couple of days til it's drier and the garden's sorted. Need to figure out how I'm going to level the ground where the coldframe will sit. Might need to call on my chauffeuse (mum) to take me to the gc! Will keep my eyes closed through the plant section 🙈😂

Good morning Justin......such a brilliant performer. Sadly mine are going over now......have a splendid day @justin :)
@justin good morning lovely photo have a good day
Late Summer 2016

Still going strong #latebloomer #yellow #rudbeckia Have a great weekend GTers 👋

Morning Justin bright & beautiful pic, love these 😍 have a great weekend

You too Jan @janric

@justin Good morning Justin. Wet & wild here today, but hey-ho...! 😊

Good morning Justin 😀
Good morning '

Morning Justin , lovely and bright , have a great weekend 👍👍😊

They sure are 👍 @latebloomer

Good morning Mike, well you'll have your holiday soon enough, not that I'm jealous or anything 🙈 @mikethegardener

Morning June @yodamama

Good morning @Chester14

Thanks a lot Julie @juliesgarden have a good one yourself
Mid Summer 2016

Sunday cheer #yellow #rudbeckia #summer Good morning GTers 👋

Lovely! Mine are in flower too and they really do bring a smile don't they 😊 Enjoy your Sunday, Justin 🌞

Morning J

Morning, well that's all things bright and beautiful on this drizzly Sunday , have a good one Justin 👍👍

They sure so 😀 @TheGardenWife

Morning 👋 @nobby

Good morning Julie @juliesgarden 👋☕️

By the way, lovely new profile pic, you look much more relaxed lol 👍👍

Morning @justin. Great photo. Have a great day... 😊

Good morning @justin 😀

@juliesgarden Morning Julie... 😊😊

Morning @justin wish someone would put the sun back
Mid Summer 2016

Happy F R I D A Y GTers 🎉 have a great day #yellow #summer #rudbeckia

Morning nearly weekend 👍☕

Good morning @Keely 👋☕️

Happy Friday to you too Justin. I've just spotted this very same plant outside in my front garden 😊

Goodnight @justin. Hope you have a lovely day.

@justin Have a great Friday Justin 😊😊

Morning @Keely @charlottejhurst Night @SikoMa 🌞🌞🌙🌙

Good morning Justin! Enjoy your Friday!

good morning Justin @keely @mikethegardenersnd night night @SikoMa

Good Morning ☀️it's nearly the weekend 👍🏼 have a great day, all 😊

Thanks Charlotte 👍 great news as well 😬 @charlottejhurst

Sleep well 😴 @SikoMa
Mid Autumn 2015


Little rays of sunshine, lovely 🌟

👍 @mojo

Really lovely and lots of buds still to open 😊

Yes still going strong 💪 @kathy

Lovely and cheery 🌻

Certainly are Debra! @debs69

Love those happy faces👌

👍 @janric

These have certainly brightened my day 😊😊😊

Lovely 👍👍

They certainly do Lin 👍 @linfoster
Mid Autumn 2015

Good morning GTers 👋 this black eye is still brightening up what is proving to be a rather gloomy week 🌼 #yellow

Morning justin, very pretty, hope you have a sunny day today 😊

I wish the same for you to Kris 👌 @krishnahairdo

Better forcast for today here. Have a good day

Lovely cheery display just what we need 👍

Morning @justin 👋🏼 they're like little rays of sunshine! ☀️😎...

To brighten up everyone's day 😁☀️☀️☀️ @richard.spicer.7906

Morning Debra @debs69 👋

Morning Justin and all. Lovely bright start to the day 😍

Morning Mo 👋☀️ @mojo

Morning @justin sunshine flowers

Good morning ☀️🌼 @kathy 👋
Early Autumn 2015

What a little star 🌼 good morning GTers 👋

Lovely ray of sunshine 👌🏻😊

😁👍 @kathy

#yellow #latebloomer

A lovely 🌟indeed. Morning Justin and all. 😊

Morning Mo 👋 @mojo

So pretty 😊

Morning all. A beautiful flower to start the day a ray of sunshine 👌👌

Thanks Kris @krishnahairdo

Morning Pearl 👋 @fuschia

Morning @justin morning everyone, hope you all have a great sunday, although it should be called drizzleday today ☔️

@justin Lovely but mine died on me, I am trying to resurrect it! I'll post a photo when it was in its glory (if I can find it!)
Gotta love the little #rudbeckia 💛 #yellow #coneflower #goldstar #midsummer #august #summer
Thank you @cyndi
Morning 👍🏻💛
Good morning Julie @juliesgarden 👋🏼