Tradescantia (Andersoniana Group) 'Purple Dome'
Spiderwort 'Purple Dome'
Early Summer 2019
- 5
Late Spring 2018
- 20
Mid Autumn 2017
- 6
Late Spring 2017
- 14
Late Summer 2016
- 34
Late Spring 2016
- 14
Late Summer 2015
- 11
Late Summer 2015
- 10
Mid Summer 2015
- 10
Late Spring 2015
- 0
Mid Summer 2014
- 7
Mid Summer 2014
- 0
Mid Summer 2014
- 0

Tradescantia (Andersoniana Group) 'Purple Dome'
Early Summer 2019
Late Spring 2018

Happy Thursday GTers 💜 #tradescantia #purple #spiderwort #latespring #spring #closeup #macro

Morning Justin, what a colour 💜💜

Morning Julie @juliesgarden

Wow that’s a beautiful photo 💜

Thank you very much @suerichards

Morning Justin 💜💜

👋🏼 morning @kathy

Wow beautiful colour and fantastic shot! 😊

Thank you @natii

Wow fab shot 👌Morning 😊💜

Thank you and good morning @pauline33 👋🏼

Good morning Justin. Great pic 👌🏼👌🏼
Mid Autumn 2017

Have a great weekend GTers 👍🏼 one last #purple #bloom on the #tradescantia in #midautumn 💜 have a great day #autumn #spiderwort

Cherish it!

I do 👍🏼 @AlisonF


That's beautiful, I've need seen this variety of tradescantia before....lovely colour 👍👌

👍🏼 @Sephy
Late Spring 2017

The start of another week 😝 #purple #spiderwort #spring #tradescantia

Beautiful aren't they Justin ? Mine have gone for the jungly look this year 😀

Lovely Justin 👌🏻

They are Julie @vec I divided mine last year as it had gotten unruly!

I divided mine the previous year, guess I'll be doing the same again this year 😂

Thank you @nessas

Where do the weekends go !! Morning Justin, what a great colour 💜

Way too fast as usual 🙄 @juliesgarden


Good morning @kathy 👋🏼😘

Morning Justin😘

Morning Ann 👋🏼 @thomasrat3 😀
Late Summer 2016

It's FriYAY 🎉 have a good one GTers #purple

Good morning Justin! Love the look of these! Must look out for some! Have a great day! 😀

Morning @justin. Have a great day 😊

Very easy to grow and multiply quickly so need to be kept in check!! @bigemrg have a good day

You too Mike 👍 @mikethegardener

Good morning Justin 👋🏻

Morning June 👋 @yodamama

Yay if i stand on my tiptoes i can nearly see wknd 💜👍

Oh for sure 🙌 @Keely

Morning ☕️ lovely pic 😍

Good morning Justin have a great weekend. Lovely pic

Goodnight Justin. Happy Friday😄😎😊
Late Spring 2016

Rain rain go away, come again on mother's washing day 🙈😂 #rain #purple #spiderwort #tradescantia #spring

Ha ha! Naughty 🙈😂 Although I wish it would go away, gardening needs to be done! Enjoy your day 👍🏻

You too Elen 😂👍 @ellenmarygardening

Morning, you're mother won't be happy with that @justin raindrops look good tho

😂 @titchyfra she's used to me being cheeky 🙈

Poor old mum😂 super shot

Love the flower not the name

Ye fed up with the rain can't get out to do anything

Love Tradescantia it reminds me that you don't need a sense of smell to be a great plant hunter. Google John Tradescant to discover more

@justin mine aren't flowering yet, gorgeous 💜 mine are getting to big for their space, am I better to lift the whole plant and divide or can I just dig bits out 🤔

Oh I will!! Thanks for that @igrowhort

To be honest Marilyn @lovemygarden65 I was really brutal with both my clumps earlier this spring and literally just drove my spade into both plants and they've both been fine 👍
Late Summer 2015

Starting to fade now... Good morning GTers 👋

Still looks lovely

Real rich colour very regal 👸 morning all 🐰

Morning Debra 👋 @debs69

Morning @justin, still beautiful even if its fading

Morning Kris 👋 @krishnahairdo

Morning Justin, colour is still lovely especially with the sun catching it 👌

Good morning Mo 👋 @mojo

Just realized I need this on my ever growing wish list #mowants 😀

Morning Justin 👍 beautiful flower beautiful colour

Morning Shirley 👋 @whirley
Late Summer 2015

Been flowering all summer 👍

I really like blue flowers

These have literally not stopped flooring for about four-five months @kathy

I have one with yellow foliage. Has flowered all summer long too

Love this Justin, Is it easy to grow and does it spread quickly?

Very easy... Doesn't take any work at all to be honest other than snails seem to like it so I keep my beady eye in that Mo! Hasn't really spread fast at all and it's easy to pull up any unwanted bits 😃👍 @mojo

👍 thanks for that Justin.Sounds like my kind of plant,😀 I'll keep a look out for it.

I like this and must try to get one

Justin you are causing me problems, I keep buying all the beautiful plants you keep putting on and I will soon have no where to put them

Awe Kate!! ☺️ I too have seen loads of things that I want too and yes space is the issue!! It's inspiring though isn't it?! Glad you're enjoying my specimens 👋😁 @kateellery40gmailcom
Mid Summer 2015

Good morning GTers... How are you today? 👋

All the better for seeing this @justin 😀 ☀️

Fantastic shapes and colour!

Mother nature at its best

I have these too will put photo ip when it stop raing 😔


Thanks everyone @richard.spicer.7906 @lukas @mallyc 🙌

Hope it stopped raining Tina 😃☀️ @tina

My are a paler colour

Late Spring 2015
Mid Summer 2014

Love this @justin

Thank you! @thedanielrichards

Just wondering, this plant looks very similar to a Tradescantia. I remember seeing this in some gardens in the West Country. What do you think?

You're right @richard.spicer.7906 this has been tagged wrongly 😱 well spotted and thank you!!

All done Rich... Cheers! @richard.spicer.7906

Mid Summer 2014
Mid Summer 2014
Thank goodness it’s Friday 🎉 #purple #tradescantia #july #earlysummer #summer
Morning Justin great colour 💜💜👌
Thank you @cyndi
Thanks Julie and a very good morning @juliesgarden 👋🏼💜