Cucumis sativus
Early Summer 2018
Mid Summer 2017

I've never grown cucumbers and this is my very first one!

I was so stoked to get my first ever cucumber too. Till loving them, but looking for different ways to eat them besides pickling them as, I Dont eat a lot of pickles

@gjones, I guess I'm giving the plant enough water. I was worried because so many of the female flowers were shrivelling and producing any fruit.

@lesliecole49, yes, this is so exciting! Such a different feeling than seeing flowers mature. I can hardly wait to taste it.
My first cucumber flower of the season. 25 June 2018.
Thank you, @gauravsh6
I think this one might have been planted indoors first. I was trying to experiment with seedlings as I was told cucumbers do not like to be transplanted. @gjones
Whoop! I'm quite south of you, Le, (Tennessee) and eating mine already. I so look forward to that first one! @kaigia @gjones
I didn't realize they were so easy to germinate. This is my second year planting cucumbers, but now I know! I am looking forward to my first fruit as well! @gjones @lesliecole49
Mine are entirely volunteers this year. Composted the area last year and the composted seeds sprouted! Works for me. 😁 @kaigia @gjones