Pilea peperomioides
Early Spring 2019
Late Winter 2019

My pilea is getting these white spots on its leaves. Does anyone know why?

Known for mineral deposit build up in pores, try using distilled water and see if they go away, u can always see a little of the spore in this leaf

I checked on and under the leaves and they are not spores, I don't think. The leaves are smooth. Perhaps I need to fertilize? @tinaaune

Oops I didn't mean spores, PORES OR STOMATA, Anyway, your plant looks healthy! Good luck with what u choose to do @kaigia

I think that it does need some plant food, Le. It's just got a mild nutrient deficiency.

Thank you for your help. I have decided to switch to distilled water, following your advice. @tinaaune

I am going to fertilize it. I recently noticed that my plants have had a boost because of the longer sunlight hours. @DonNotDonny

By the way, I recently got a T5 light bulb and have noticed the difference in my plants as well. @DonNotDonny

That's great news, it's good that your plants are taking so well to more light and the change of season. They're pretty healthy.
After I fertilized my Pilea, it produced all these babies. Or perhaps it is a sign of spring? Is it normal to have so many babies from the main stem? March 2019.
That’s how a lot of my plants grow in spring. The new growth starts at the bottom I guess that why, especially with woody plants you prune them back pretty good!! Looks great. It’s so exciting isn’t it. To see all that new growth 👍🏻👍🏻🤗😊💕
@terrimclaughlin I'm looking forward to separating the babies. Does it need repotting if I leave them together?
Are they babies?? I thought they were attached to your plant right there?? Sometimes new growth will grow at the base of your plant and will grow up making you many new stems/branches but you’ll know maybe let them grow a few more inches so u can see what’s what but I don’t know about this plant to give you advice. Someone will or you could read about caring for it. Let us know in a month or so if it was new plants or new growth either way it’s a good thing 😊💕