Solanum lycopersicum 'Roma'
Mid Winter 2017
Mid Winter 2017

My Roma tomato bushes have gone all gnarly.. I have 4 bushes in one of my big planters and 3 of them are stunted and gnarly. One is growing fine though!... does anyone know what is happening? #romatomato #klplanter4

#tomato-advice @kathyb

Are there any aphids or sap sucking insects about?

Yes @Kathyb, there are a few aphids on the zucchini bushes that are growing near the base of the tomato bushes but hardly any in the tomato bushes themselves..

Aphid damage when the leaves are forming can cause curl in lots of plants. Also in really wet conditions (and probably cold too) the leaves can curl.

Ok.. it could be a combination then.. it has been unseasonably wet recently and I was possibly a little heavy on the watering in the past few weeks because I have been setting up a watering system (my husband and I are going away for a month in September and want an automated system). Thanks for your help @Kathyb. I have used the gnarly branches I pruned to make a tomato leaf spray. Failing that I'll try a garlic spray. I'm new to dealing with pests so I'll just try a few things...
First fruits are forming!! #romatomato the overwatering/overfertilising/aphid attacks (whatever it was that caused stunted growth) haven't stopped it from fruiting! 😀 #klplanter4
Weekly feeds of weak liquid fertiliser are good for tomatoes.