Frithia Pulchra
Frithia Pulchra 'Fairy Elephant's Feet'
Mid Summer 2018
- 3
Early Summer 2018
- 12
Early Summer 2018
- 2

Frithia Pulchra
Mid Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018

Last little push for the #baby-toes #flower #succulent

I think this is not babys toes but possibly Frithia pulchra (Fairy Elephant’s Feet)

I think you’re right @Muzz67 Thank you 🤙🏻

It's gorgeous ! And I love the name!😍on my wishlist now😁 I’ve got an amazing time lapse of the flower closing today on instagram @Muzz67 I’m not sure the link will work but search #fairyelephantfeet

It worked! Fabulous!

Do you know how to change the encyclopedia link ?

Very unusual I like this baby 😊😊💕💕

No I don’t @Muzz67 do you lol

Yes go to your plant list and click the pencil icon.Choose change encyclopedia link and then use search bar to see if its already there.If not you then choose add to encyclopedia and put in the name using scientific name first .See how you go 😁

Done! Thanks for the help @Muzz67 🤗

You're welcome! Anytime 😁
Early Summer 2018

Hi Katch 👋 Thanks for posting your first photo. 👏 You can find other like-minded gardeners to follow by tapping Discover and "Popular" or "Recommended". If you need to reply to a user or just want to say "hi", simply @username an individual i.e. @teamgardentags and that person will get an alert. Finally, if you'd like guidance on getting the most out of the app, please check out our tutorial videos: Enjoy using GT! 😃

#succulent #babytoes #babytoesflower
In #bloom
What an unusual and pretty Succulent 😊😊💕💕
They are a bit of a favourite of mine @midnightgardener