Late Winter 2019
- 8
Mid Winter 2018
- 4
Mid Winter 2016
- 8
Mid Winter 2016
- 3
Early Winter 2016
- 9
Early Winter 2016
- 1
Early Winter 2016
- 6

Late Winter 2019
Mid Winter 2018

Hope it’s not budded to early

Looks lovely in the sunshine👍

There was warmth in the sun as well 😄 @juliesgarden

I think everyone should have some jasmine!!!!!👍🏻👍🏻😊💕
Mid Winter 2016

Scent is amazing

Love Jasmin gorgeous perfume

😍 jasmine

Very pretty 👍

#white #jasmine

Beautiful 😍

Beautiful 😍 - Still waiting for that smellyvision 👃🏼

So dainty 😊
Mid Winter 2016
Early Winter 2016

Well pruned

Do you have to prune it back that hard, how old is your jasmin @kathy?

I usually do Jan but because it got a bit sick it was a case of cure or kill😂 so I went for it @janric

As to age possibly 12 years @janric

Hopefully a good prune will give it a new lease of life then @kathy and you will get good results🙏

That's what you call a haircut 😂😂😂 @kathy

I think mine's dead😟

Cut it back put some new compost round it and see if comes back can't do any harm @thomasrat3

I will Kathy do as you say and see what happens🤔
Early Winter 2016

Before the haircut
Early Winter 2016

This Jasmine was not very well cut it right back and brought it into the conservatory and appears to be growing well again


Jasmine loves a good haircut !

I used to have two growing in the ground but inside an Edwardian conservatory. They were rampant ! I would cut them back every 2 nd year to ground level and they would be roof high again the exit summer . No longer have jasmine or even the conservatory ! Boo hoo !

Sorry 'next'

Excellent recovery! Well done, and hopefully should look lovely this year Kathy 😊
Buds forming on the Jasmine, hope it’s not too early
If we get any snow, do cover it. My mimosa does with buds on it, last year ;( and it had go so big, in one year.
We don’t really get snow but it may get too cold @littleshed1
Luck you! I'm in Kent!! Say no more.
We’re in Cornwall that much further west🤙🏻 @littleshed1
Aww very nice, still not been there.
Gosh, if you live in Kent I guess it is some distance 😊 @littleshed1