Oxalis triangularis subsp. papilionacea
Purple False Shamrock
Mid Winter 2020
- 2
Early Winter 2020
- 0
Early Autumn 2020
- 0
Early Summer 2019
- 0
Mid Spring 2019
- 0
Mid Autumn 2018
- 4
Mid Spring 2016
- 12
Mid Spring 2016
- 2
Late Winter 2016
- 2
Late Winter 2016
- 8
Mid Winter 2016
- 3

Oxalis triangularis subsp. papilionacea
Mid Winter 2020
Early Winter 2020
Early Autumn 2020
Early Summer 2019
Mid Spring 2019
Mid Autumn 2018



So pretty Kathy @KathyB Gorgeous colours 💕💜😘

So lovely 😊
Mid Spring 2016

Rust (Puccinia sorghi) on my purple oxalis. 😡 It's a pretyy colour at least... Looks to be shaping up as a bad year for rust - most of my snapdragons have it too. 😢 I hate to use chemicals but I've not been able to find an organic antifungal that works and I refuse to give up snappies or my long sought after oxalis!!


Look at that colour coordination!!

#oxalis #falseshamrock #rust #organic #organicantifungal #antifungal

@brightcolours oh it was all planned! 😂

Teeheehee! 😉

That's a pretty effect 😊

I heard from The Garden Clinic from 2GB radio in Sydney with Graham Ross that OCP makes an organic effective fungicide called "EcoFungicide" and that lab tests showed fungi dying in under 60 seconds.... (http://ecoorganicgarden.com.au/news/eco-fungicide-ready-use-arrives/) I also have a false shamrock, but have never had rust. Mind you, Belgium IS far from Australia ☺

Thanks @humus! I'll def be getting some of that to try! Apparently the rust on oxalis actually prefers corn and I'm about to put my seedling out. I DEF don't want them covered in this grossness!!

I live in Brussels Belgium and listen to the podcasts of The Garden Clinic sent to me by 2GB radio in Sydney. (I listen while I'm driving) It's a fountain of enthusiasm and practical advice! Graham Ross there said the other week that if you can't see it at your local Bunnings, just go to the "special orders" desk, and they'll get it in for you no extra cost....

If it were my plant, I'd cut every bad leaf off and put them in the rubbish bin, and spray the plant, the soil below and the pot... Good luck 😊

@humus I'll have to check out the podcasts 😊 I have considered cutting off the leaves but I've only had them for one season and I think they need as much energy as they can make to establish.
Mid Spring 2016

Still flowering! I bought it for the foliage but the flowers are pretty.

#falseshamrock #oxalis #pink
Late Winter 2016
Very pretty

#oxalis #falseshamrock #foliage
Late Winter 2016

First leaves emerging! 😀

@sukka-lent I bought these from Greg Boldiston, Longinomus Plants. He's on facebook ☺ and is super nice.

Thanks @KathyB

@sukka-lent And he has a whole bunch of GORGEOUS stuff!!! 😍😍😍

Does he post worldwide?

@sukka-lent He's in the process of setting up his website with postage etc. He's in Australia ☺

Awesome thanks :)

#newgrowth #falseshamrock #oxalis #foliage
Mid Winter 2016

Treasures just arrived in the post!! 😀 So excited!!


#oxalis #myhand
Did a spot of division today.
#division #propagation #oxalis