Phaseolus coccineus 'Scarlet Emperor'
Runner Bean 'Scarlet Emperor'
Late Autumn 2017
- 2
Early Autumn 2017
- 6
Early Autumn 2017
- 9
Early Summer 2016
- 9
Mid Autumn 2016
- 1
Early Autumn 2016
- 5

Phaseolus coccineus 'Scarlet Emperor'
Late Autumn 2017
Early Autumn 2017

I have beans!!!!!! Woooooohooooo!!!!

Yayyyy 💃💃💃


Great 👍🤗

Well done

Early Autumn 2017

No beans again but very pretty

Striking! @KathyB

Worth it just for the flowers @leisel

Can't beat home grown runner beans 👍

I wouldn't know @debs69 ... I never get any!!!

The flowers are difficult to "set" at times. You also get better years than others @KathyB

@debs69 I think I just have the wrong climate. I've tried for a few years with no beans. But it's ok. The flowers are pretty.

The flowers are lovely 😊

#beans #runnerbean #scarletrunnerbean #red #autumn
Early Summer 2016


Beautiful! I have seeds from my sister for next year! #runningbean #scarlet #upclose


Love the colour 😊

Are they available to buy in the shop as they look beautiful and of course will they grow in South Australia

@caralyn they grow in the UK so I'd think they'd grow for u. I've never seen seedlings but the seeds are local. Diggers has them. Green Harvest too.

#kathy are they beans that you eat please

Excuse my ignorance on the bean runner I am still learning

@caralyn yes 😀 that's OK! Learning and sharing is what this app is all about!
Mid Autumn 2016

Flowers coming already!!
Early Autumn 2016

Apparently it will behave as a perennial here. Flowered beautifully all Summer but very few beans. Reshooting now after a hard prune last week.

@latebloomer I gave it some Blood and Bone the week before I pruned then top-dressed the bed with compost & chicken manure then mulch. Hopefully I'll get some beans. While the flowers were lovely I'm really keen to get a good crop!! :)

@latebloomer Where abouts are you? I'm super jealous!! and am hoping you live somewhere cooler to explain the difference ;) (I read that they need cool nights to set). And yes the bees just love the beans don't they? That was another reason I left it despite the lack of crop.

@latebloomer that makes me feel so much better!!! :) I can blame the weather!

#runnerbean #gyo #AdviceBeans
Those are some nice roots ready for next year! The other tower has just started growing and flowering again... Second crop?? 🤞🤞
#runnerbeans #roots