Tulbaghia violacea
Mid Winter 2018
Mid Winter 2018

Trying my hand at dehydrating the society garlic prunings.

#dehydration #dehydrator #tulbaghia
Early Autumn 2016

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#societygarlic #Tulbaghia Violacae

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Dehydrating and grinding worked well. Makes a VERY fine powder that floated out of the grinder when I opened it. Doesn't have the up front bitiness of real garlic but does have a lovely lingers-in-your-mouth aftertaste. I think it would work well in a creamy soft cheese with a glass of crisp white wine. I'll try adding it to salt later and see how it goes sprinkled on fresh sliced tomato.
Interesting. I just heard the other day that this was #edible. It is the leaf or do they have a bulb like other #garlic? #societygarlic #tulbaghia #tulbaghiaviolacia #gyo #flavoring
@lovestogarden Leaves in the dehydrator ATM. Flowers are edible. There's a small bulb but I'm not sure about edibility... I've never bothered to look into it because there's so much foliage 😊
Wow, good to know. 👏❤
#imadethis #recipe #dehydrator
I just came across this, you say you dry the leaves on your society garlic? I have that too so I might just try that. I did know it was edible