Mentha x piperita 'Variegata'
Variegated Peppermint
- Early Autumn 2016
- 7
- 1
- Early Autumn 2016
- 11
- 5
- Late Summer 2016
- 3
- 1
- Late Summer 2016
- 5
- 1
- Late Summer 2016
- 9
- 13
Mentha x piperita 'Variegata'
- Early Autumn 2016
- 7
- Early Autumn 2016
- 11
My #peppermint has flourished! There was a mildew-like infestation, but regular application of neem oil seems to have taken care of it. Any thoughts on whether it's safe to harvest?
@Naomi126 your thoughts? #neemoil
For anybody curious, I have used these leaves to make a delicious tea and a lovely aromatic mix with no repercussions.
I know neem oil kills bees so don't apply it when the mint is flowering or there are other flowers nearby . I have no idea about consumption.
Alovealoe that is really good to know, because I don't think that came up at all when I was researching neem oil :/
- Late Summer 2016
- 3
My #peppermint this morning :)
- Late Summer 2016
- 5
I pruned/harvested my #peppermint and now she has all sorts of new growth! I can't wait to see what she looks like in a couple of weeks :) #herbs #growbabygrow
- Late Summer 2016
- 9
My little peppermint plant.
Hello KC 👋 Thanks for posting what we hope will be the first of many photos. 👏 You can find other like-minded gardeners to follow by tapping on Discover and then "Popular" or "Recommended". If you need to reply to a user or just want to say 'hello', simply @username an individual i.e. @teamgardentags and that person will get an alert in their profile. Enjoy using GT! 😃
@kcsealey welcome to Garden Tags 😊🌵🌻
@blocherr thanks! It's really helping me navigate my way around my little patio garden :) Everyone is so helpful
@kcsealey I like your bio! My apartment is crammed with plants too!🌵🌵🌵🌵🌵
Agree with @blocherr, that's a great bio 😁 I also started acquiring plants after a crisis several years ago... it was so rewarding & meditative that now I never want to stop 😉
@blocherr @aes239 Thanks guys :) the idea of caring for something that might outlive me and/or sustain life after me helps soothe the wounds of knowing how utterly meaningless my time actually is :3 glad to know I'm not the only one
@aes239 @kcsealey same! I love being a "crazy plant lady"🌵🌵🌵
@blocherr @kcsealey Speaking of being a "crazy plant lady" LOL, we've also got 4 cats 😽😁 (So I might be more than one type of crazy...) But living in a home filled with plants & kitties, I can nearly ALWAYS find SOMETHING to lift my spirits! (Oh yeah & the bf helps too, occasionally 😉 haha)
@aes239 Ooooh you're so fortunate to have so many kitties :D we already have a big dog who does NOT get along with smaller animals, so cats are a no go for now. But I am totally a cat person and I'm so envious of you and your litter :) do you grow catnip anywhere?
@kcsealey And now that you got some plants in your life, your time can't be totally meaningless! 😊 Your plants all depend on you & each one hopes for some of your time to be spent nurturing them & keeping them alive 😁
We had some catnip growing outside last summer, but I haven't seen any this year... but year-round we grow cat grass (which is just wheat grass I'm pretty sure, but cats like to eat it, lol) in a container inside 😻 One of the kitties is obsessed with it, while the others are still trying to decide whether they enjoy it or not! 😀
A #peppermint cutting freshly potted :) an excellent way to procrastinate cleaning the house :3