Achillea millefolium 'Apple Blossom'
Yarrow 'Apple Blossom'
Late Spring 2020
- 10
Late Spring 2020
- 3
Late Summer 2019
- 9
Late Summer 2019
- 3
Early Summer 2019
- 10
Early Summer 2019
- 3
Early Summer 2019
- 5
Late Spring 2019
- 5
Early Autumn 2018
- 16
Late Summer 2018
- 5
Late Summer 2018
- 5
Late Summer 2018
- 9
Late Summer 2018
- 5
Mid Summer 2018
- 2

Achillea millefolium 'Apple Blossom'
Late Spring 2020
Late Spring 2020


Not as bad as the wild one Lin but does spread I split it last year and gave some to mum, its not as tall as the wild n more common ones either, theres a lot of new varieties out now to the common ones, I love them did some from seed too last year called Summer pastels they've come back so pleased about that 😄 @linfoster

@linfoster they need support bit tall for pots but if you do want a dwarf one for pots look for the dessert eve varieties, come in pink, white n yellow 😘
Late Summer 2019

Morning Peeps on this dewy morning. 💖 Yey its Friday and I've got Harrogate autumn flower show to look forward to on Sunday maybe a few little purchases will add to the border 😄 Enjoy your day

Morning hun very pretty 💕

Morning chicken. Lovely pic 🌸💕 Have a fab time on Sunday and buy loads! 😉

@juliesgarden thanks hun 😘

@rachelbrooks buy loads who me I'll be at that plant stall at 3.45 loading up my £1 tray waiting for buzzer to go at 4pm 😂😂😂

Morning the shades of pink....💗

Good lass! 👍🏼😉

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thanks hun its one that will be moved over next couple of weeks got a bit tall this year for mid border so will move it back a foot 💞

Very pretty. When I looked at the GC a few weeks ago they didn't have any. Next year I'll have some 😊😊💕💕
Late Summer 2019
Early Summer 2019

Got to be my favourite #pink in the garden this minute #yarrow #achillea #appleblossom ❤💖❤💖

Candy floss @Keely

Awesome 😍

@nmg333 @rbetts25 thanks guys its grown so much this year I'm loving all flowers on it and how the colours change 😄

Isn’t that fabulous 💗💗💗

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom its only its 2nd year and I actually split it earlier this year and gave mum some its been fabulous clearly likes where it is 😄 thanks hun 😘

You weren’t kidding about all the pretty pink flowers 🤗🤗😊💕

@terrimclaughlin oh I could have gone on for ages should have done a collage really 😆

@linfoster I think most yarrow spreads Lin this wasn't too bad I kept it to size I wanted it by giving mum some of it that had, if you didn't keep up to it it probably could but I will maintain it each year maybe keep some more for myself to put down fence 😁 😆

@linfoster I'm just glad it survived I've never been able to keep the dwarf ones over winter they never came back year after out of 3 I bought save gave up and got this one, it will need moving next year as its a bit too tall for middle of border now but too late this year something I've added to do at end of season now 😬
Early Summer 2019

#pink #pink n more #pink 💕❤💕❤

You have sooo many beautiful flowers 😊💕

@terrimclaughlin awe thank you I do have a lot just wish I could place them right so it all flows nearly there though 😊
Early Summer 2019

❤❤❤ loads of blooms on this one this year

That's a gorgeous colour 💗💗

@pelly thank you 😊

These look like the rain is agreeing with them. I hope it does dry up for all your others😌🤭

@terrimclaughlin @gjones they have certainly grown taller to last year but loads of blooms on them so I'm not complaining. Thank you both 😁
Late Spring 2019

Loved this one last year and lots more blooms this year. Will need to be moved at some point end of the year as grown a lot taller but I will leave it be for now #signsofsummer

Oh that’s lovely 💗

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom it will be once it opens up I've given it a feed today to help it along

Really pretty Keely and will be lovely when in full bloom 💕💓💞💗

@AlisaJ thanks sweetie
Early Autumn 2018

Hope this survives Winter its been flowering ages since I bought it

That's pretty 😍

@hayleyaj thanks Hun it starts of pale pink and fades to white but it's been lovely hopefully it's got established enough root wise as I don't seem to have much luck with these returning in garden 😕

Cuttings!! 😁

I will read up on how to do them Hayls as it's only a small plant so not seen any babies on it to cut off @hayleyaj 😏

So why not dig it up and pot it. Cut it back and save it in a frost free spot. It'll die back but you'll be giving it a chance for next year. Achillea are easy to grow from seed too 😁

Don't worry, it's a hardy plant and winter will do it no harm 😊 I think it's one of the most reliable plants in my garden along with hardy geraniums. I planted mine as tiny plugs in February and they handled wet and cold soil well even as tiny plants. Just avoid fertilising it or mulching so it doesn't get floppy next summer. Mine flowers non stop from June to November 👍👍

Oh, I would plunk that in the ground! They survive overwinter in Wisconsin! 🤔

I've had to dig some of my yellow ones up and compost them as not only does it survive winter but it seeds every where and takes over, plus in my garden it grows to about 5ft 😲

@angiecrazycatlady there are different varieties about now Hun this one only gets to 50cm so not the tall straggling ones that are more common, the desert eve varieties are even shorter 😄

@hayleyaj I've bought some seeds this year of the summer pastels variety so will more than likely try them next year 😄 I won't have the space to over winter anymore Hayls with all seedlings/cuttings and not very hardy plants I have already I will struggle with what I have as the Summerhouse gets full over winter with everything hope it will be ok 😄

@ublaszko fingers crossed this is not the more common varieties it's one of the new shorter ones similar to what I have lost in the passed so time will tell Hun 😄
Late Summer 2018

Just love colours in this seems to have settled well in front border now

Gorgeous 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thanks sweetie 😘

It's a lovely one Keely 🌸🌸

@cyndi @pelly thank you ladies 😘😘
Late Summer 2018

Loving this one adds a bit of late colour for Summer

Love how long yarrow keeps going.

So delicate, love it Keely 🌸🌸

@keely I like that one 😊💟

@valjones-hughes @pelly @anges thanks ladies 💖
Late Summer 2018

Loving the twotone delicate colours in this one

@cyndi thanks Hun it is pretty 💕

So pretty 🌸🌸

@pelly thanks Hun 😘

Great colour...

Love these 💗so pretty and dainty

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thanks Hun 😘

@gjones thank you luvvie 😄

@kez001uk thanks sweet 😄
Late Summer 2018

Lots of clusters of #littlegem flowers together 💕🌼💕

That is one gorgeous little gem Keely!💘😍


@gjones @ShelleySnyder @pelly thank you ladies 😘 😘😘

So welcome Keely!💘😍
Mid Summer 2018

Cataloguing newby 💖💕💖💕 #pink

Those are very pretty that’d to good as a border or in the front of taller ones.!!!🤗😊💕
That's lovely 💕💕
Gorgeous pink 💕
Love the it all..😉
Beautiful 💗💗💗
@midnightgardener @debs69 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @lovemygarden65 thank you ladies 😘😘
@gjones I agree there are a lot more varieties out there now, I've seen a few I would like some seem more hardier than others, this one I bought as a plant has done well n been split too, the summer berries I did from seed was easy lots of lovely pastel colours from that packet. I'm partial to a few of the hot colours as well so easy maintenance what's not to love 💞👌😆
That's a great color! Do you know if it flowers all summer?
@monaboghiu it will flower all summer the blooms will fade to a paler pink/white as the season ends but prolific bloomers for Summer 🌼
That's perfect. Thank you!