Centaurea cyanus 'Blue Boy'
Cornflower 'Blue Boy'
Early Summer 2019
- 18
Late Spring 2019
- 14
Mid Summer 2018
- 19
Early Summer 2018
- 8
Late Spring 2018
- 13
Late Spring 2018
- 14
Late Summer 2017
- 4
Late Spring 2017
- 19
Late Spring 2017
- 14
Late Spring 2017
- 3
Late Spring 2017
- 17
Late Spring 2017
- 10
Mid Spring 2017
- 10
Mid Spring 2017
- 10
Mid Spring 2017
- 5
Early Spring 2017
- 2
Early Spring 2017
- 1
Late Winter 2017
- 2

Centaurea cyanus 'Blue Boy'
Early Summer 2019
Late Spring 2019

Love these for #cutflowers in the house so easy to do from seed to plant out in Autumn for Spring colour, wouldn't be without them in my garden now

Beautiful photo Keely 💙💙

Wow what a Fantastic Blue keely @keely A Stunner 💙😘

That's a beauty 💙

💙 fabulous colour 👌

Blue’tiful 💙

@pelly @anges @suerichards @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom @jadojado29 thank you ladies x

Just lovely 💙

@awomanonabike @gardengirlla thank you sweeties

Gorgeous 💙💙💙

@lovemygarden65 awe thanks so much 😘

Stunner! 🤩🤩🤩
Mid Summer 2018

This #littlegem was #grownfromseed last year and has been flowering since Spring with continual dead heading

A definite for my wish list.........what a colour 💙💙💙

@pelly if you sow them now for next year they get really tall and bushy Jane so will need good support but this is still going now albeit a tad smaller as I've continued to dead head them but the colour is superb 💙💙💙


Love that blue 💙

@ShelleySnyder thank you hun 😘

@susanhumphrey333 it really is true to this colour Sue great plant in right spot 😄

@linfoster mine too 2nd year of growing this Lin 😄

Love Cornflowers especially 💙

My pleasure Keely!💘😍

What a colour!! 💙 lobe that Keely! #bestofaugust

@kathy thank you 😄
Early Summer 2018

💙💙💙 #summertime

Classic 😀

Gorgeous 💙

Beautiful 💙💙💙💙

Beautiful 💙💜

@greenhouse @rachelbrooks @pelly @kathy thank you all 😊

@Jasonsparkes1 thanks dude 😄

@Keely could you post a picture of the whole plant? Mine has collapsed 🙀
Late Spring 2018

Gorgeous pic 💜

Love colour @Keely


@nmg333 thank you 😄

@kathy one of my favourite colours in garden really stands out when it's in full bloom and flowers for ages too 😄


@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thank you 😄

Beautiful 💜💙💜

@lovemygarden65 thank you 😄

Definitely #gardenporn 😍

Beautiful! My cornflowers have tiny little buds on them so really looking forward to seeing flowers!

@SikoMa 😂😂👍
Late Spring 2018

First flowers starting to open 💙💙💙 #bestofmay

Love this one.

Wow 😮 such a bright blue 💙

@charlotte @harebell thank you ladies 😊😊

Fab colour..

Beautiful. I haven’t had any cornflowers this year & I really miss them. I’m definitely sowing them again next year 💙💙

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom thanks Hun 😘

@lexijane I want the pink one now this has tripled in size but looks lovely 😊

I had the pink last year & they were so lovely 💕💕. At least I can admire your photos of them this year 💙💙

Gorgeous 💙💙

@AlisaJ thanks Hun 😘

That’s a beauty!!!
Late Summer 2017

#seeds sown 13.08 another one for some Spring colour will plant out in September 💙💙💙

Ooh I didn't know you could do them like this...thought they had to be direct sown 👍🏼

@rachelbrooks they are very fiddly as don't like roots disturbing but all mine were OK that I did last year and potted on just need to be a bit careful with them and then give them some stakes to grow up before transplanting into garden 👍😃

Thanks 👍🏼 I may give it a try both ways just in case! 😬
Late Spring 2017


Beautiful blue


Beautiful Keely, love the colour.

What a gorgeous photo Keely 💙💜💙

Fabulous 💕

So beautiful 💙💜💙

W😍w love it !


Keely, fantastic love the shot and the flower color 🤗

Stunning shot 👌💙💙💙

Beautiful. Made up of lots of tiny individual flowers 💙💙💙
Late Spring 2017

@lexijane lots and lots of flowers 💙💙💙

💙💙 can't wait for mine 💙💙😁

That looks fab - and upright 💙💂🏼💙

Absolutely Gorgeous Keely @Keely lovely colour blue 💙💙😘

Abundant and beautiful

Beautiful 💙💙💙

@awomanonabike @belindah @jadojado29 @pelly thanks all bit of a learners mistake putting so many together as never had them before but they are doing well and brighten up the garden, will dot around next year and put support in early on was a right laugh trying to squeeze support down middle when they were fully grown 😬

They look fabulous en mass , fab colour 💙💙💙

Yes agree with @lovemygarden65

They look gorgeous lovely splash of colour 👌💕💕

There's loads there Keely. Kept each other upright 👍

Love cornflowers😍
Late Spring 2017
Late Spring 2017

Managed to save majority of these and just cut off the bent stems so pleased as first ever seedlings I've done 💙💙💙

Well done You, they are lovely 😀

Love them 😍👏

Great job Keely they're beautiful 💙💙

Lovely 💙💙💙

Beautiful blue 💙

Great news Keely 😍😍😍

@Keely Hi Keely. How's it all looking today? I've got a feeling that a lovely northern lass like you will have rallied today and gotten out there and pretty much licked things into shape. Hope all's slightly better 😘😘

Gorgeous colour 💙😍

@mikethegardener yup you are right out cat 6 and just come in, not the day I planned as wanted to get last raised bed in, but all tidied up and battened down the hatches as expecting more storms tonight, not sure I will have any leaves left if anymore get damaged on plants it completely stripped one lot of Lillie's only 2 leaves left 😣 thank you Mike you know me so well 😄

fabulous 💙💙💙

Beautiful 👍🏻
Late Spring 2017

Feeling Blue this morning after waking up to the news of whats happened in Manchester 💙 Thoughts n prayers to all the victims and families, so cruel 😥

Morning Keely, it's awful news 😢

@Keely @jaynehynesburton just been on the news site after reading this, what on earth is going wrong with the world, so sad 💙

It's awful Sue, things need to Change @acermad

Just been online to read this as well. Honestly it's so senseless and it shocks me what is going on in the world today and makes me so sad

I really don't understand why .........so very very sad :(

So hard to take this in feeling numb. Thoughts and prayers with victims and families

Just so heartbreaking 💔😢

Makes no sense does it? 😥

@jaynehynesburton @acermad @justin @Jasonsparkes1 @flof1952 @debs69 @lexijane @rachelbrooks evening all no words can describe it so sad for all involved. Just hope that people find their inner strength and not let these individuals win. 🙁
Mid Spring 2017

Here they come 😍💜💙💜

Gorgeous, wish I'd planted some. They're on the list for next year . 💙💙💙

@pelly I overdid it but they are all starting to open put far too many together they will be lovely now they are opening but will not put so many in one place next time took up alot of room will dot Them about lesson learnt 👍

Send the extras my way Keely 😂😂😂

@pelly I did the from seed late summer so they would flower early this year easy to do 👍


Beautiful 💙


Gorgeous 💙

Gorgeous! What a colour! 👌🏼💙
Mid Spring 2017

Think I put too many plants in together but cant wait to see it flower a mass of buds 💜💜💜

It will be beautiful Keely 👍😍

@jpea this is just 3 plants together so gives you an idea how big n bulky they get 👍😬

@Keely OMG that's a huge triffid, definitely will have to pot up rather than sow direct! Thanks for the tip Keely ☺️😘

@jpea its not often people show the full size of plants and despite reading up I still didn't think it would get this big I've done too many again, so if you do some black ball we can swop if you like the blue one and it fits in with your planting theme, I plant mine in garden early October when I put bulbs in, seeds only take around a week to start showing 😃

@Keely that would be super, there's 300 seeds so there's definitely some for you, just let me know how many you would like, it says they grow 90cm high if planted in spring and 1-1.2m high if planted in autumn! with a spread of 45cm. Big Beastie's! Says they need staking so a few bamboo sticks required 😊 would you like me to sow them in pots now?

@jpea I only want 3 please Jeremy so don't go over board I'm putting 3 of my blue in but have about 12 will give mum a couple so if you want blue ones you are welcome to any leftovers I didn't think all would germinate was very sparing putting them in pot but all doing good so far, they have long roots so best start them in 7 or 9cm pot oppose to a seed tray 👍 😃 thank you

Ah, good advice, I'll do 12 too so there's enough for you, your mum and me, 4 seeds per 9cm pot and gradually thin out the weaker so we have the best left. I'll try to start these tomorrow or Friday, did you put that vermilion on top or just seed compost? I'll keep them in the greenhouse and water every other day (as advised by a friend) 👍😀

@jpea I used seed compost put the. Vermilion on top covered with a trifle clear pot that kept it damp and just sprayed it with water every few days if it dried out I did all mine in one pot then thinned out into 9cm pots when the seedlings were about 2" 😃 good luck

@Keely that makes sense, I'll do that, thanks
Mid Spring 2017

Still pretty when dead headed 💙💙💙

Very pretty 💙


Gorgeous! 💙

Early Spring 2017

#wildflower wont be long before the blue boys open 💜💜💜
#beefriendly #cornflower #blueboy 💙💙💙
Oh wow Keely what a superb photo 😍😍
Wow, beautiful 😍
How gorgeous is that! 💙💙💙
Fan-blue-ming-tastic colour! 💙
@jpea @awomanonabike @rachelbrooks @angiecrazycatlady awe thanks lovely peeps they always add early colour to the Spring n Summer border when done from seed and put in in Autumn wouldn't be without them now 😄😄
Wow!!! Def need these next year, they’re stunning!! 😍
@daisyrozanne awe thank you Ash really easy to do from seed 😄
Absolutely gorgeous Keely 💙💙💙
@lovemygarden65 thank you will be trying these at back of my hedge next year see if they do just as well as its a bit shadier there so not much grows 😕
Love the colour of these
So ridiculously gorgeous! 💙