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Yorkshire garden. Small front border and patio and pots to rear. Find it very therapeutic and rewarding. Learnt so much from Gtags community.
#coneflower #pink double delight
Never seen one like that before 😮 love it 💕
Love this. Never knew there were so many different coneflowers. Learning a lot today
@kez001uk thank you it's only small and hidden a bit by the other plants looks like it's struggling a bit in the heat too 💓 hopefully it will survive winter and come back thriving next year 😄
@charlotte yes alot of different varieties Hun 😄
@Keely I hope it does, quite a unique one 💗
@gjones thank you it is I like the doubles 😄
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#coneflower #pink double delight
Never seen one like that before 😮 love it 💕
Love this. Never knew there were so many different coneflowers. Learning a lot today
@kez001uk thank you it's only small and hidden a bit by the other plants looks like it's struggling a bit in the heat too 💓 hopefully it will survive winter and come back thriving next year 😄
@charlotte yes alot of different varieties Hun 😄
@Keely I hope it does, quite a unique one 💗
@gjones thank you it is I like the doubles 😄