Fuchsia 'Voodoo'
Fuchsia 'Voodoo'
Early Summer 2020
- 25
Mid Summer 2019
- 9
Early Summer 2019
- 7

Fuchsia 'Voodoo'
Early Summer 2020
Mid Summer 2019

#julyblooms and a #spider that's caught it's dinner too 💗💜💗

Love this one 💜💓

If I send you a pic could you tell me if mine is a voodoo too? X

@Jason @juliesgarden awe thanks peeps 😘😘

@allhop74 there are so many fuchsias hun its sometimes hard to tell if you haven't got a label this and my gillian one are so similar as they are both double petticoats but ones slightly deeper and this has the veins running down the petticoat petals 😄


@damavand thank you 😊

Gorgeous 💕💜

@rachelbrooks isn't she just so many blooms it nearly toppled over in wind too 😡
Early Summer 2019

#firstbloom with a ickle spidder on for #wildlifewednesday too 💕💜🐾


He is a harvestman spider. Only one i can stand. Very very good for garden. Doesn't bite humans @Keely

@charlotte awe he's harmless 😄

@moore.794 that's good to know Terry as I've seen a few in the garden so pleased I'm attracting them thank you for the info much appreciated 😄

@scaryskates awe no I love my wildlife except pesky slimers but I leave halo hedgie to eat those, not eating enough I have to say they keep munching away at my dahlias n zinnias 😠😠

@linfoster 😂😂
Morning Peeps. No doubt its a day of assessing the damage from the winds in our gardens today hope there's not too much damage out there for you all. Love the marbellling on this #fuchsia 💕💜💕💜
Morning Keely 🙋♂️ its only just starting to die down now 🥴
Morning Keely. Much calmer here now and the sun is shining thank goodness. Have a good one 👋🌞
Morning! Was sooo windy last few days... today seems alot calmer and sunny too. Which is good cos I’m seeing @lexijane and @littlelisamini later. Actually Keely, Lisa is new to GT but worth a follow. She isn’t new to me though as she’s been one of the essential ingredients in my life for 30 odd years! Lise meet Keely, Keely this is Lise 🤝 xxx
Hi Keely, I'm looking forward to a day out with my bestie @clipperty and meeting @lexijane. Nice to be in touch with you too @Keely 😊
@littlelisamini @clipperty morning Claudia started cloudy here but wind def dropped will assess the lean tos after work 😂😬 welcome Lisa enjoy our gtag community 😘
@flof1952 morning Pauline I will assess any damage late this afternoon after work we def need the sun too ☀
@jpea morning it is here but much better than it was 😊
@gjones yes it is I allow my fuchsias in the back hot pots as they prefer a bit more shade 😄
Morning Keely, my garden has stood up well I think. Haven’t had a proper look yet though 🤔
@pelly mines not totally stood up its like its had a few bevvies at wknd 😬😂😂😂
Morning Keely, still blowing a gale and rain atm! Such a nuisance! Hope you've not got too much damage 💜💞